Creating Alerts

  1. To get to the Alerts Manager, enter alerts into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Management > Alerts Manager.
  2. Select Add Alert from the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  3. The Alert Summary pane slides out from the right.

  4. Select any of these numbered headings at any time to jump directly to that alert setup step.
  5. Select this arrow to show or hide the Alert Summary slideout pane.
  6. Alert Category: From the left pane, select an Alert Category, and then select an Alert.
  7. Select Next from the bottom-right corner of the screen, or select the Alert Settings Configured heading in the Alert Summary pane.
  8. Depending on the alert you selected in the previous step, there may be Alert Settings to configure in the left pane. These settings change dynamically based on the selected alert.
  9. When you are finished configuring the alert, select Next from the bottom-right corner of the screen, or select the Employee that will trigger this alert heading in the Alert Summary pane.
  10. From the left pane, use the Employee mover to select who will trigger these alerts. To refine the list, you can use the filters that are above the movers. Alerts will be sent out if any of the selected employees perform the actions you defined in the previous two steps.

Note: The following alerts do not require a "trigger" selection because the alert is generated by the system when the configured conditions are met: all Online Booking alerts, SMS usage has reached "x" percent of your allotment, Gift card is sold online, Rating is submitted, Quickbooks Integration has not been synced for amount of time.

  • All users who have access to this location: If selected, the alert can be triggered by any employee/user who has access to this location.
  1. Select Next from the bottom-right corner of the screen, or select the Employee that will receive alert heading in the Alert Summary pane.
  2. From the left pane, use the Employee mover to select who will trigger these alerts. To refine the list, you can use the filters that are above the movers. The selected employees will receive the alerts.
  • All users who have access to this location: If selected, all active employees and users who have access to this location will receive the alert. Note that an alert cannot be deleted if this checkbox is enabled; it must be disable before the alert can be deleted.
  • Only send to selected recipients if they are the servicing employee: This option is available for certain appointment-related alerts. When this option is enabled, the employees you select using the mover will receive an alert only if they are the servicing employee on the appointment.
  1. Select Next from the bottom-right corner of the screen, or select the Choose notification method (optional) heading in the Alert Summary pane.
  2. From the left pane, choose how the alert notification will be sent:
  • Text Notification: A text message is sent for each alert event. For an employee to receive the alert, text message notifications must be enabled for the business, the employee profile must have a valid mobile number, and Opt-in for text notifications must be enabled in the employee profile.
  • Email: An email is sent for each alert event. For an employee to receive the alert, the employee profile must have a valid email address, and email notifications must be enabled for the business. The employee does not need Use email for appointment notifications to be enabled in the employee profile, but the profile does need to have a valid email address for the employee to receive email alerts.
  • Once per day: Sends one email to the selected employees/users; the email includes all alert events for that day. The email will be sent around 9:00 pm local time. Below is an example of a "once per day" email.
  1. Before saving your alert, review your settings. You can jump to any step by selecting the heading in the Alert Summary pane.
  2. When finished, select Save Alert. The alert now appears on the Alerts Manager home screen.