Selling, Reloading, or Reusing Gift Cards

Gift cards can be sold as individual cards or in bulk using the wizard.

What are the gift card statuses that appear in the register?

The gift card Status appears in the register right pane when buying, reloading, or reusing a gift card.

  • New: Indicates the card is being purchased for the first time, or it has a zero balance and is being reused (resold).
  • Existing Card: Indicates the card has a balance on it. Cards with this status can be reloaded.

To sell an individual gift card

Select and customize a Standard (default) Gift Card Type at the register, or select a Gift Card Type that you created to pre-populate the fields with the Gift Card Type's details.

  1. Add a client to the Smart Receipt.  
  2. Select the Gift Card tile.

  1. Select Buy a Gift Card for the individual gift card workflow, or Multi-Gift Card Wizard to purchase gift cards in bulk. See this topic for details on using the Multi-Gift Card Wizard.

  1. Scan the gift card, manually enter a gift card number, or select Auto-generate to have Meevo automatically create a gift card number when you add it to the Smart Receipt. For Auto-generate to be an available option, the Business Preferences option Enable option to auto generate a gift card # at the time of purchase must be enabled.
  2. Select Enter on the keyboard to view the gift card details.

Note: You can select Show Full Gift Card # to display the full gift card number if it was auto-generated by Meevo. Access to this button is controlled by the following security key: Register > Gift Card Lookup > Show Gift Card Number.

  1. The Standard tile indicates the Gift Card Type, and Standard is the default. Select Standard to see a list of all Gift Card Types.
    1. Use the Gift Card Category filter to view All, Non Promo, or Promo gift cards. Promo gift cards have Promotional use only selected in the Gift Card Type definition.
    2. You can configure the gift card's details in the register, regardless of whether or not it is Standard or predefined.
  2. Gift Card Recipient: Upon completion of the transaction, the gift card value will appear in the recipient's client profile's Gift Card History tab. Alternatively, select Anonymous (below left) or Use currently selected client (below right).

  3. Choose Gift Card Value: Select the number tiles or manually enter a value into the field. Changing the value automatically updates the Gift Card Price.

Note: After it is added (applied) to the Smart Receipt, you can change the gift card's price from the Smart Receipt. Select the gift card to reveal the Price field.

  1. Available on and Expires on: These dates determine when the gift card is available to use and when it expires, respectively. If are selling a specific Gift Card Type, the Expires on field is automatically populated based on the Gift Card Type definition. If you are configuring and selling a Standard gift card, the Expires on field is automatically filled in based on the Business Preferences Standard Gift Card Type expires... option under Register.
  2. Referred by: If the purchaser heard about the gift card through a particular referral type, you can select that here. You will be able to report on Gift Card referrals in a future release of Meevo.

Note: You can add a Note to this gift card here; gift card notes display in the Gift Card Lookup window.

  1. Select Apply to add it to the Smart Receipt.
  2. From the employee tiles, select who gets credit for the sale. You can enter first name, last name, or employee code into the search field to quickly locate an employee. Alternatively, select House to credit the business with the sale.
  3. Finalize the transaction.

To reload or reuse a gift card

Reloading refers to adding more money to a card with a balance. Reusing refers to adding more money to a card with a zero balance. In either case, the card must be active to add more funds.

Note: Multi-Gift Cards cannot be reloaded.

From the Convobar

You can use the Convobar to look up gift card details such as balance, expiration, etc.

  1. Enter one of the following prefixes followed by the gift card number and select Enter on the keyboard or keypad:
    1. g#
    2. gc#
    3. gc=
  2. In the Gift Card Lookup window, select Reload.
  3. In the register, enter a Gift Card Amount by selecting the number tiles or by manually entering a value into the field.
  4. Finalize the transaction.

In the register

  1. Add a client to the Smart Receipt.
  2. Select the Gift Card tile.

  1. Scan the gift card or manually enter the gift card number.
  2. Enter a Gift Card Amount by selecting the number tiles or by manually entering a value into the field.
  3. Finalize the transaction.