Setting Up Product Commission Overrides

Be sure to review our Understanding Commission Overrides topic before you proceed with defining these overrides.

Note: These commissions override any retail commission settings configured in the Payroll tab of an employee's profile.

  1. Type  product into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Data > Products.
  2. Select the Payroll tab and select Edit.
  3. In the Product Commission Override section, you can define commission on the sale of this particular product.
  • Override commission rate: Sets commission for employees who are credited with the sale of this product. If a rate is set to 0, only employees with employee-specific commission overrides may receive commission for the sale of this product; if the rate is set to a percentage (%), commission is based on the product price at time of sale.

  • Employee-specific commission override: Select this button to configure commission rates by employee. Employees in this list will receive their defined commission rate when credited with the sale of this product. If a rate is set to 0, the employee will not receive commission for the sale of this product; if set to a percentage (%), commission is based on the product price at time of sale.

Note: The Override commission rate checkbox does not need to be enabled for Employee-specific commission overrides to take effect; the two options are independent of one another.

  1. When finished, select Save.