Marking a Product Discontinued or Not for Sale

What does it mean to mark a product discontinued?

When you mark a product Discontinued:

  • The product can still be available for sale in the register.
  • The product is available in Employee Supply Usage if you choose the Discontinued filter.
  • The product will not appear in Purchase Order menus, so it cannot be reordered for stock replenishment. As a result, the product is only available in the Inventory Count list if you choose to display discontinued products.
  • Each night, Meevo evaluates all discontinued products/variants and their on-hand counts. If an event that day (register transaction for example) brought a Discontinued product's on-hand count to 0, Meevo automatically marks the product as Not for sale during that evening's evaluation -- provided the on-hand count is still 0 at the end of the day. If the on-hand count for a Discontinued product started the day at 0 but ended the day at 1 or greater, Meevo automatically deselects Not for sale (if it was selected) during that evening's evaluation.  

If I discontinue a product, is that the same as deleting the product?

No, discontinuing a product or product variant is not a deletion of a product, as there may be active inventory, inventory history, or transaction history tied to it.

What does it mean to mark a product Not for Sale?

When a product is marked Not for Sale, the product will not appear in the register, even if there is an on-hand value. However, the product is available for use by service providers and can be reordered via a purchase order (as long as it isn't also Discontinued). On-hand values can be updated via Inventory Counts, and the product is still available in Employee Supply Usage.

To mark a product Discontinued or Not for Sale

  1. Locate the product and select it.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select More Product Detail below the product or variant to reveal additional options.
  4. Select Discontinued. To remove the product from being available in the register, you can select Not for sale.
  5. Select Save when finished.