Configuring an Employee for Online Booking

The Enabling Online Booking or Intelli-Booking topic explains how to enable these features from soup to nuts, from the business level down to the employee and service level. This topic focuses on your options when enabling OB for an employee.

Enabling an employee for Online Booking

  1. On an employee's profile, select the Online Booking tab.
  2. Bookable Online: Select this option to make the employee available for clients to book online. This reveals an additional section below, Specify the days that are bookable online for this employee.
  3. Show employee bio in online booking: The Employee bio appears in Online Booking when this is enabled.
  4. Employee bio: The bio entered here will be displayed in Online Booking when "Show employee bio in online booking" is enabled.

Specifying the days and times that an employee is bookable online 

Online Booking offers the ability to specify the days and times that an employee can be booked through OB.

The employee will be available only on the days and times that overlap with the employee's schedule in Schedule Manager. For example, if an employee is scheduled to work Monday 9 am - 5 pm and their online booking availability is set to Monday 2 pm - 6 pm, they will be available to be booked online on Monday from 2 pm - 5 pm only.