Restricting an Employee

What does restricting an employee do?

By selecting the Is Restricted option in the employee's profile, you inform anyone viewing that profile that this employee is restricted from working in your business. Making a profile restricted in Central Office makes it restricted at all locations the employee has access to, including locations with whom the employee is shared.

How can I tell if an employee is restricted?

Unlike client restrictions, an employee restriction provides no visual indicator other than the selected option in the profile.

Can I book an appointment with a restricted employee?

Yes. If booking an appointment with a restricted employee, Meevo does not displays a pop-up message. You can book the employee as you normally would.

You can also execute transactions at the register for restricted employees, and no visual indicators are present on screen.

To mark an employee as restricted

  1. Locate and select the employee.
  2. From the Main tab, select Is Restricted.
  3. Select Save when finished.