Convobar Shortcuts

Type any of the shortcuts below into the Convobar to immediately open that feature or page. For example, type register into the Convobar to immediately open the Meevo Register.

For more Convobar details (like how to look up an appointment), see Using the Convobar.

Convobar shortcuts

Smart CenterSmart Center

Area in Meevo Convobar Commands
Smart Center Designer smartcenter, smartcenters


UI Commands
Business Types bustype, bustypes
Client Types clienttype, clienttypes
Clients client, clients
Departments department, departments
Distributors distributor, distributors
Employee Categories empcat

Employee Promotions


Employee Templates emptemp, emptemplate, emptemplates, employeetemplate, employeetemplates
Employees emp, employee, employees



Image Gallery Categories

gallerycategory, gallerycategories, imagegallerycategory, imagegallerycategories, gallerycat

Location Groups locationgroups, locationgroup, locgroup, locgroups
Manufacturers manufacturer, manufacturers
New Client Intake Form intake, intakeform, clientintake
Package Swap Groups swap, swapgroup, swapgroups
Packages package, packages, pkg
Payment Types paytype, paymenttype
Product Bundles productbundle
Product Categories productcat, productcats, productcategory, productcategories
Products product, products
Referral Types referraltype
Resource Categories resourcecat
Resources resource, resources
Service Add-on Mappings serviceaddon, serviceaddons
Service Categories servicecat, servicecategory, servicecategories
Services service, services
Students student, students
Teachers teacher, teachers
User Defined Fields userdefinedfield, userdefinedfields, udf, udfs, customfields
Visit Note Types visitnotetype, visitnotetypes



UI Commands
Schedules schedules
Time Clock timeclock
Work Activities workactivity



UI Commands
Appointment Category apptcat, apptcats, appointcat, appointcats, appointmentcat, appointmentcats
Block Types blocktype, blocktypes
Booking Agent bookingagent, callcenter
Cancellation Reasons cancellationreason, cancellationreasons, cancelreason, cancelreasons
Confirmation Manager confirmation
Self Check-in Kiosk checkin, check-in, selfcheckin, selfcheck-in, checkinkiosk, check-inkiosk
Standing Appointments stand, standing, standings, standingappt, standingappts, standingappointment, standingappointments
Standing Blocks standblock, standblocks, standingblock, standingblocks
Wait List wait, waitlist, waitlists, pending
Walk-in Manager walkinmanager
Walk-in Manager Display N/A
Walk-in Manager Kiosk N/A



UI Commands
Register register
Discounts discount, discounts
Drawer History drawerhistory, drawerhist
Drawer Manager drawermanager
Drawers drawer, drawers
Employee Service Times/Pricing emppricing, servicepricing, emptiming, servicetiming
Gift Card Types gctype, giftcardtype
Gift Card Integration

gift card integration, giftcardintegration

Mark Items On Sale


Merchant Accounts merchacct
Pay In/Out Reasons payinreason, payoutreason, payinreasons, payoutreasons
Payment Types paymenttype, paymenttypes
POS Hardware poshardware
Shipping Fees shippingfee, shippingfees
Transaction Editor transeditor, transacteditor



UI Commands
Membership Cancellation Reason membershipcancellationreason, membershipcancellationreasons, membershipcancelreason, membershipcancelreasons
EFT Control Panel eftcontrolpanel
Member Benefit Template memberbenefit,  memberbenefits, memberbenefittemplate, memberbenefittemplates
Membership Manager mm, memmanager, membershipmanager, 
Membership Types membershiptype, membershiptypes
Memberships membership, memberships



UI Commands
Employee Supply Usage supplies, supply, employee supply, employeesupplyusage, backbar, back bar
Floor Locations floorloc, floorlocs, floorlocation, floorlocations
Inventory Count count, counts, inventorycount, inventorycounts, invcount, invcounts
Inventory Returns invreturn, inventoryreturn
Inventory Transfers inventorytransfers, inventorytransfer, invxfers, invxfer, inventoryxfer, inventoryxfers
Misc Supplies miscsupply, miscsupplies, miscellaneoussupply, miscellaneoussupplies, misc
Purchase Orders purchaseorder, po

Stock Levels




UI Commands
Employee Goals employeegoal, employeegoals, empgoal, empgoals
Goals Dashboard goaldashboard, goalsdashboard, gdb, goaldash, goaldb, goalsdb, goaldashboards, goalsdashboards
Overall/Department Goals departmentgoals, overallgoals, overallgoal, deptgoal, deptgoals, departmentgoal, busgoals, busgoal, businessgoals, businessgoal



UI Commands
Activity Log activity, activitylog
Alerts Log alertslog, alertlog
Alerts Manager alerts, alertsmanager
Client Intake Form cif, intakeform, intake, clientintake
Client Intake Form Builder cifb, cifbuilder, clientintakeformbuilder, intakeformbuilder
Clients Point Promotions clientpointpromo, clientpointpromos, clientpointpromotion
Client Selection Export clientselection, clientexport, clientselectionexport
Clients Points Manager clientpoint, clientpoints, clientpointsmanager
Custom Branding brand, branding, custombranding
Data Export data, dataexport, csv, csvexport,
Docs and Forms docs, forms, docsforms
Integrations integration, integrations
Intelli-Merge clientmerge, merge, intellimerge
Manual Merge manualmerge
Meevo Color Themes meevocolortheme, meevocolorthemes, colortheme, colorthemes, themes
Meevo Messenger meevomessenger, messenger, msg
Meevo Messenger Settings meevomessengersettings, messengersettings, msgsettings
Locations location, locations
Market Pricing marketpricing
Payment Plans paymentplans, paymentplan, payplan, payplans, ppman, payplanmanager, paymentplanmanager, paymentplansmanager, payplansmanager
Payroll payroll
Price Management pricemanagement
Ratings Control Panel ratings, rating, ratingscontrolpanel
Report Scheduler

reportscheduler, reportsscheduler, reportsched, reportssched, rptscheduler, rptsscheduler, rptsched, rptssched, scheduledreport, scheduledreports, schedreport, schedreports

Sales Rankings salesrankings, salesranking, salesrankingexport, salesrankingsexport, ranking, rankings
Security Roles securityroles
Security Administration security, securityadmin
Yield Management Program ym, yield, yieldman, yieldmanagement, yieldmanprogram, yieldmanprograms, yieldmanagementprogram, yieldmanagementprograms, ymprogram, ymprograms
Yield Management Strategy ymstrat, ymstrategy, ymstrategies




UI Commands
Local SEO Profile Settings localseosettings, seoprofilesettings
Online Listings Management onlinelistingmgmt, onlinelistings, onlinelistingsmanagement
Online Presence Analytics onlinepresence, onlinepresenceanalytics
Online Presence Settings onlinepresencesettings, opsettings
Reputation Management repmgmt, reputationmgmt, reputationmanagement


Email Marketing:

UI Commands
Email Marketing emma, emailmarketing


Business SettingsBusiness Settings

UI Commands
5 Star Ratings Settings 5starsettings, 5starratingssettings, fivestarsettings, fivestarratingssettings
Business Information businfo
Cultural Settings culture
Currency and Tax tax, taxes, currency
Events event, events
Field Labels fields, labels, fieldlabels
Holidays holiday, holidays
IP Restrictions iprestrictions, iprestriction, iprestrict
Meevo System Toolbox toolbox, tool box, tools, Meevosystemtoolbox, Meevosystemtools, Meevotoolbox, Meevotools, systemtoolbox, systemtools, utilities, clientutilities, clientutility
Notification Settings notification
Notification Templates notificationtemplate, notificationtemplates, notificationtemp, notificationtemps, notemp, notemps
Online Booking Settings online, onlinebooking
Payroll Settings payrollsettings
Multi-Location Payroll Settings (CO Only) multilocationpayroll, multilocationpayrollsetting, multilocationpayrollsettings, multilocpayroll, multilocpayrollsetting, multilocpayrollsettings, mlpayroll, mlpayrollsetting, mlpayrollsettings
Reporting Hierarchy N/A
Self Check-in Kiosk Settings selfcheckinkiosksettings, checkinkiosksettings, check-inkiosksettings
Service Charges charges, servicefee, servicefees, servicecharge, servicecharges, housefee, housefees, housecharge, housecharges, housetip, housetips, employeefee, employeefees, employeecharge, employeecharges, employeetip, employeetips
Walk-in Manager Settings walkinmanagersettings


UI Commands
ADP RUN  adp, adpintegration, adppayroll, adpsettings
ADP WFN wfn, wfnsettings, wfnintegration, workforce, workforcesettings, workforcenow, workforcenowsettings
ADP Wisely wisely, wiselyintegration
Tippy tippy, tipp, tipy, tipsy, tip, tips



UI Commands
MeevoXchange store, meevostore, xchange


Report shortcuts

Type "reports" into the Convobar to open Report Manager on the "All reports" filter, or enter a specific report code using the commands below.


Report Current Commands
COMA030: Service Profitability Analysis*  coma030
COMA201: Sales Analysis by Location* coma201
COMA202: Hours Available to Sell* coma202
MA030: Service Profitability Analysis  ma030
MA045: Detailed Client Retention ma045
MA050: Client Visits by Type ma050
MA060: Productivity Detail ma060
MA065: Estimated Vs. Actual Sales ma065
MA075: Retention Projection ma075
MA200: Growth Indicator Analysis ma200
MA201: KPI's by Month ma201
MA202: Hours Available to Sell ma202
MA210: New Client Retention By Visit ma210
MA215: FOV by Service Category ma215
MA225: Sales Statistics ma225
MA235: Revenue Analysis Top Spenders ma235
MA240: Lifetime Client Value ma240
MSG01: Text / Email Usage msg01

*Central Office report that is available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
AQ000: Appointments Booked aq000
AQ010: Appointment Listing with Visit Notes aq010
AQ020: Client Work Tickets aq020
AQ022: Small Client Work Ticket aq022
AQ025: Appointments for Specific Clients aq025
AQ030: Booking Traffic aq030
AQ065: Appointment Confirmations aq065
AQ070: Appointment Recall Listing aq070
AQ150: Rebooking Analysis aq150
AQ150B: Rebooking Analysis Detail aq150b
AQ200: Blocked Time aq200
AQ205: Check In and Out Timing aq205
AQ210: Missed Opportunities aq210
AQ225: Appointment List By Filter aq225
AQ226: Online Booking KPI aq226
AQ230: Appointment Cancellation Listing aq230
AQ246: Add-Ons Booked aq246
AQ255: Docs & Forms Due aq255


Report Current Commands
CODC041: Client Spending Summary by Category* codc041
DC000: Low Client Summary dc000
DC025: Transaction History dc025
DC041: Client Spending Summary by Category dc041
DC042: Restricted Clients dc042
DC055: Client Information dc055
DC065: Client Visit Notes dc065
DC080: Client Mailing Labels dc080
DC090: Client Credit Cards on File dc090
DC091: Client Cards on File by Merchant Account dc091

*Central Office report available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
DE001: License/Insurance About to Expire de001
DE005: 5 Star Rating de005
DE005B: 5 Star Rating by Employee/Service Category de005b
DE045: Employee Information de045
DE110: Teacher Assistance Report de110


Report Current Commands
MI000: Supply Usage mi000
MI020: Inventory Count History mi020
MI025: Inventory Count Sheets mi025
MI047: Inventory Sales and Usage mi047
MI100: Purchase Orders mi100
MI105: Inventory Returns mi105
MI210: Inventory Value mi210
MI215: Inventory Snapshot mi215


Report Current Commands
COCO000: Offsite Liability Transfers* coco000
CO000: Offsite Liability Transfers co000
MR000: Client Account Activity mr000
MR050: Gift Cards Purchased by Referral Type mr050
MR055: Liability Sales Detail mr055
MR061: Liability Usage by Year mr061
MR118: Client-to-Client Liability Usage mr118
MR120: Packages Purchased by Referral Type mr120
MR126: Liabilities About to Expire mr126
MR129: Liability Summary mr129
MR129B: Quarterly Liability Activity mr129b
MR205: Client Account Invoices mr205
MR230: Points Activity mr230

*Central Office report that is available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
DB001: Membership Base db001
DB010: Membership Sales Overview db010
DB011: Sales by Member/Non-Member db011
DB015: Membership Status db015
DB040: EFT Master List db040
DB042: Waived EFTs db042
DB043: Membership EFT Net Gain/Loss db043
DB050: Membership Cards About to Expire db050
MR245: Memberships Purchased mr245


Report Current Commands
CODE040: Payroll Totals* code040
DE040: Employee Payroll de040
DE043: Commission Deduction Detail de043
DE044: Employee Commission Detail de044
DE070: Tips Collected de070

*Central Office report that is available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
DP005: Barcode Labels dp005


Report Current Commands
DR020: Client Referrals dr020
DR030: Monthly New Referral Review dr030


Report Current Commands
COMR010: Sales Ranking By Location* comr010
COMR085: Sales Detail* comr085
COMR110: Payment Detail* comr110
COMR140: Sales Summary* comr140
COMR145: Sales by Category comr145
CF001: Cash Flow cf001
MR035: Price Changes mr035
MR041: Service and Retail Analysis by Employee mr041
MR070: Product Sales and Cost by Manufacturer / Product Category mr070
MR075: Refunds Processed mr075
MR080: Register Summary mr080
MR085: Sales Detail mr085
MR090: Business Overview mr090
MR095: Sales Tax Collected mr095
MR100: Transaction Log mr100
MR110: Payment Detail mr110
MR115: Pay In / Out History mr115
MR130: Sales By Month mr130
MR145: Sales by Category mr145
MR160: Product Bundle Sales mr160
MR200: Employee Sales mr200
MR240: Daily Deposits mr240
MR255: Service Charges mr255
MR260: Sales Trends mr260

*Central Office report that is available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
COMES10: Employee Schedule Summary* comes10
MES01: Weekly Schedules mes01
MES10: Schedule Summary mes10
MES20: Clock-in / Out Discrepancies mes20
MES30: California Meal and Rest Breaks mes30
MES35: Basic Wage Accrual mes35

*Central Office report that is available to multi-location businesses.


Report Current Commands
WI005: Walk-In Visit Ranking wi005
WI010: Walk-In Manager Graphs wi010
WI015: Walk-In Manager Stats wi015

Lookup shortcuts

Gift Card Lookup windowGift Card Lookup window

You can use the Convobar to look up any active or future gift card details such as balance, expiration, etc. Enter one of the following prefixes followed by the gift card number to bring up the Gift Card Lookup modal:

  • g#
  • gc#
  • gc=

Note: These lookup shortcuts can also be used to populate any Client lookup field, such as the Client field in the register.

Package Lookup windowPackage Lookup window

You can use the Convobar to look up package details. Enter one of the following prefixes followed by the package number:

  • p#
  • p=

Note: These lookup shortcuts can also be used to populate any Client lookup field, such as the Client field in the register.

  • The following details appear in a pop-up window:
  • Package name
  • Expiration date
  • Purchased by
  • Purchased for
  • Package history (links to client package history).
  • Transaction number
  • Date and time of purchase
  • Contents (items included in pkg)
  • Qty remaining (un-redeemed)

Membership Lookup windowMembership Lookup window

You can use the Convobar to look up membership details. Enter one of the following prefixes followed by the membership number:

  • z=
  • z#
  • m=
  • m#

Note: These lookup shortcuts can also be used to populate any Client lookup field, such as the Client field in the register.

Product Price Lookup windowProduct Price Lookup window

How do I look up information on a product?

Convobar Lookup

The fastest way to look up info on a product is using the Convobar:

  • Enter any of the product lookup commands listed below into the Convobar, and then use the drop-down to search for a specific product. 

Product Lookup CommandsProduct Lookup Commands

  • bc#
  • bc=
  • b#
  • b=
  • prodlookup
  • productlookup
  • prodprice
  • productprice
  • prodpricelookup
  • productpricelookup
  • barcode=

  • To search for a specific product, enter any of the Product Lookup commands into the Convobar, followed by the product barcode or a word in the display name; for example, bc=1029. This opens the Product Information window with the entered product already selected.
  • With a product selected, the Convobar's Product Information modal displays product details, inventory on-hand, last activity, and more. 

"View Sales/Usage History" Lookup

  • You can also look up information on a product by selecting the View Sales/Usage History button that appears beside products in various areas in Meevo like Product definitions and Inventory screens.

  • Some Product Information modals display contextual information based on the screen it was launched from. For example, the modal launched from a Product definition (shown below) displays inventory details and price information, while the modal launched from the Inventory Count screen provides limited inventory information but includes info on the Floor Location. Most Product Information modals also include a button for viewing Sales and activity data on the selected product(s).

  • The data that appears in these modals can be secured in Security Administration: under Inventory, you can secure the Info Modal itself, as well as the Inv Data or Sales Data that appear in those modals. For the Inv Data and Sales Data keys, DENY functions the same as HIDE.

Viewing responses to UDFsViewing responses to UDFs

  • To search for completed UDFs that were placed in a Client form, go to the Client search and select Advanced Search. In User defined field search enter the UDF Shortcut and an equal sign, followed by the UDF value you're searching (for example, EYECOLOR=green). The form will return all client profiles that have this UDF filled out with the defined value.
  • Answers to UDFs in the Appointment Book can be viewed via the Custom icon in the Appointment Book's Smart Assistant.
  • For all other UDF responses, view that specific item's form or tab.