About Sales Rankings & Export   

Sales Rankings displays the top-selling services and/or products based on client purchases or employee sales for the selected date range. Use Sales Rankings to see your top-spending clients, top-selling employees, and more!

What information is considered for rankings?

  • All displayed amounts are the pre-tax price that the client paid. All forms of payment are considered, including points. Items sold for $0 are also included.
  • Anonymous client transactions are included.
  • Product Bundles are included in Product results.
  • Gift Card reloads are not considered in results.
  • The displayed employee is the person who performed the service, not the person who rang up the transaction. House employees are included in results as well.
  • If there are multiple employees on the sale line, those splits are reflected in the data.
  • Shared employees are included, but only for services that were performed in their home location.
  • Service cancellation and no-show fees are not considered. Voids are not considered either.

How do refunds impact Sales Rankings?

Click here for details on how Meevo manages full and partial refunds in Sales Rankings.Click here for details on how Meevo manages full and partial refunds in Sales Rankings.

  • Services: A full refund reduces both Quantity and Total Amount, while a partial refund reduces the Total Amount but not the Quantity.
  • Products: A full refund or partial refund both reduce the Quantity and Total Amount.
  • Packages: A full refund of all contents of the original package reduces the Quantity and Total Amount. Otherwise, a partial refund reduces the Total Amount but not the Quantity.
  • Gift Cards: If the entire original price is refunded, that is considered a full refund and the Quantity and Total Amount are both reduced. Otherwise, for a partial refund, the Total Amount is reduced but not the quantity.
  • Memberships: A full refund or partial refund both reduce the Quantity and Total Amount.

How to I get Sales Rankings to display the information that appears in Millennium Software's MA070 report?

In the Sales Rankings filter:

  1. Under Show me, select Clients.
  2. Under Ranked by, select Service Sales.

Note: Select Advanced Search to narrow down the services or Service Categories that will be displayed.

  1. Select a date range to view sales rankings during those dates.
  2. Under Based on, select Sales Amount or Quantity.

  3. Select Apply to view rankings that are similar to what appeared in Millennium's MA070 report.