Inserting a Payment

When can I insert a payment?

A payment can be inserted starting with tomorrow and up to the last scheduled payment.

What happens when I insert a payment?

When you insert a payment:

  • The Manually Inserted Payment icon appears to the left of the Amount:
  • The status of the inserted payment will be Not Billed.
  • The renewal column reads Man, meaning "manual."
  • Payments must be for the full amount of any other scheduled EFT. You can, however, discount the membership amount in the register, if desired.

Does the Billing Engine automatically "pick up" and bill clients for manually inserted payments?

Yes, manually inserted payments are processed by the Billing Engine, just like scheduled EFTs.

Will a client accrue a package if I insert a payment?

If you insert a payment and the membership's Recurring Fee is configured to accrue a package, paying the inserted payment will result in package accrual.

Are there any situations that would prevent me from manually inserting a payment?

You cannot insert a payment if a membership is Frozen, Expired, or Terminated.

To insert a payment

  1. Locate the client in Membership Manager.
  2. Select the Payments tab.
  3. Select a membership to view from the drop-down. The payment details for that membership appear in the Membership Recurring Payment Schedule section.

Note: The Fee fields are informational only and cannot be edited in this screen. Membership fees can be edited via the Membership definition, but note that changing a fee in the definition does not change the fee for memberships that were already sold.

  1. In the Membership Recurring Payment Schedule section, select Insert Payment. Additional controls appear below.
  2. Enter the date of the new payment and select Save.  
  3. Enter a Reason for inserting payment and select OK. The new payment row is added to the list.