Refunding a Recurring Payment

Is there a time limit on when I can refund successful payments?

No, but if a recurring payment is made by credit card, the credit card processor stores a token for that transaction for 45 days. This means that refunds attempted within 45 days of the original transaction are processed quickly, assuming you the funds are being placed back on the original paying card. Refunds beyond 45 days may take slightly longer.

What happens after I refund a payment?

After you refund a payment, the payment status changes to Refund, and unused accrued services are removed from the client profile. Once a payment is refunded, you cannot perform any other actions on that EFT aside from viewing its history.

Note: If the recurring payment generated an accrued service that was already redeemed, then the refund amount is the difference between the price of the accrued service and the payment amount. For example, if the price of the redeemed service is $39 and payment amount was $59, then the refund amount is $20. If the service was not redeemed, the refund amount is $59.

To refund a recurring payment

  1. In the Membership Recurring Payment Schedule section, select the payment that you wish to refund. The action buttons above become enabled.
  2. Select Refund. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Select Yes. For next steps:
  • At this point, the refund is complete if the refund is being credited back to the same credit card within 45 days of the original purchase. The credit is applied to the card immediately and the receipt settings appear (if configured).
  • You are brought to the register if the refund is being attempted more than 45 days after the original transaction, if the recurring payment was made using a form of payment other than a credit card, or if the refund attempt fails for any reason. Complete the refund at the register.