Redeeming Items from a Package

How do I know if the client has an exact, one-to-one redemption available?

Meevo compares items in the Smart Receipt to a client's package history and recognizes if there is an exact, one-to-one redemption available. If so, one of the following redemption icons automatically appears below the item.

  Exact, one-to-one redemption available.

 One-to-one redemption available; package is expired.

How do I know if the client has an available swap, split, or merge?

Meevo also checks if there is any combination of swaps, splits, or merges available for automatic redemption. If so, one of the following redemption icons appears below the service.

 Split, swap, or merge redemption available.

 Split, swap, or merge redemption available; package is expired.

Can a client package be redeemed at any location?

For a package item to be redeemable at a given location, the location must offer the item, and at least one of the following must be true:

  • The package was sold at this location.
  • The package was created in Central Office and was marked as Global package. A package may be globally redeemable but not sold at a particular location. As long as the package service or product is offered at the location, then the client can redeem the item at that location.
  • The package was sold or accrued through a membership, regardless of the location.

Note: In keeping with these rules, a custom package that is sold at a location will be redeemable only at that location.

How do pre-paid tips work?

Pre-paid tips (if any) are paid for by clients when they purchase a package. The pre-paid tip amount is proportionally distributed to every service in the package based on their price and quantity.

When a client redeems a package service that includes a pre-paid tip, the pre-paid tip is automatically applied to the transaction and cannot be removed. The total tip amount must be equal to or greater than the pre-paid tip amount.

How do redemptions work if a client has multiple packages? Is there an order of priority?

If a client owns multiple packages, the redemption order depends on the Package Redemption Priority option in Central Office Business Preferences > Register. By default that option is set to FIFO (First In, First Out), which means packages with the earliest expiration dates are redeemed first. If that option is set to LIFO (Last In, First Out), packages with the furthest-out expiration dates will be redeemed first. 

Click here for a breakdown of package redemption priority.Click here for a breakdown of package redemption priority.

The redemption logic begins by checking certain criteria as "tiebreakers" before actually getting to the package expiration or start dates. Those tiebreakers, numbers 1 to 6 below, are the same for FIFO or LIFO.

  1. Packages with the lowest number of Package Transfers. No transer packages are picked before ones that include a transfer.
  2. Packages that are expired but made "Available for Use" (assuming the user has permissions to redeem from expired packages).
  3. Packages that don't use a swap.
  4. Packages with the lowest upgrade fee.
  5. Packages that don't use Unlimited Services.
  6. Packages that don't create a split/merge. 

When this option is set to FIFO:

  1. Package with the earliest expiration date.
  2. Package with the earliest start date.

When this option is set to LIFO:

  1. Package with the latest (furthest-out) expiration date.
  2. Package with the latest (furthest-out) start date.

Can I apply discounts to a redeemed item?

No, an item redeemed from a package is not eligible for automatic or manual discounts.

When I sell a package that includes a product, when should the client receive that product?

The client can receive the product whenever they desire, but make sure to redeem it in the register as you would a package service. Be aware that the sale of a package that includes a product does not affect your inventory on-hand or inventory value. When the product is redeemed in the register, on-hand and inventory values are then updated. 

How is service price (for commission) determined for an employee who performs a service that is redeemed from a package?

Here is how Meevo determines the commissionable amount for a redeemed service:

  1. First, Meevo weighs all services in the package against the Original Package Price on the package definition, giving us a percentage ("weight") for each service in the package. 
    1. Let's say a package priced at $60 includes four Men's Haircut services, normally priced at $20 each, giving the package an Original Package Price of $80.
    2. Since all of those services are the same price, they are all weighted equally:
      ($20 service price / $80 original package price) x 100 = 25% per service
  2. Assuming that the package was not discounted in the register at the time of sale, the commissionable amount for a redeemed service is determined by applying the weighted percentage to the price paid in the register for the package: 25% x $60 = $15. So, the employee's commissionable amount on the redeemed service would be $15. (For simplicity, tax calculations are excluded.)
    1. See the Package discounts at time of sale section below for details on how Meevo comes up with the commissionable amount when the package price is discounted in the register.
  3. In the register, redeeming the package service adjusts the cost (commissionable amount) of the service to $15 in the Smart Receipt, which is the weighted price of each service in the package. Note the Smart Receipt always displays the "new" value based on the price paid in the register, even if the employee will be receiving a different commissionable amount.

Note: For details on how the employee's commission percentage is determined, see this FAQ on commission priority.

Package discounts at time of sale

If a package price was changed in the register at the time of purchase, then what happens next depends on whether or not the Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items option is enabled in the package definition:

  • If Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items is enabled, then the commissionable amount is determined by weighing the service against the Package Price in the package definition. Using the example above, if the package was discounted to $50 at the time of sale, then upon redemption the employee's commissionable amount would still be $15 (25% x $60 = $15). 
  • If Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items is not enabled, then the commissionable amount is determined by weighing the service against what was actually paid in the register. Using the example above, if the package was discounted to $50 at the time of sale, then upon redemption the employee's commissionable amount would be $12.50 (25% x $50 = $12.50).

Unlimited packages

For Unlimited service packages, commission on a redeemed unlimited service is based on the configured service price on the service definition.

How is commission determined for an employee who performs a service from a membership package?

Note: Remember that an associated package's price is stamped on the membership at the time of sale. 

When a client redeems a membership package service, the price of the service (the commissionable amount) is determined by weighing the service against:

  • For packages accrued with payment of the Enrollment Fee, the Enrollment Fee that was paid OR the Package definition's Package Price at the time of membership sale, whichever is lower.
  • For packages accrued with the Recurring Fee or Renewal Fee, the Fee that was paid OR the Package definition's Package Price at the time of membership sale, whichever is lower.
  • For Unlimited packages, the service Value according to the package definition at the time of memberships sale.

However, if the Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items option is enabled in the membership package definition, the price of the service (commissionable amount) is always determined by weighing the service against the Package definition's Package Price at the time of sale. 


Can a client redeem expired packages?

Yes, an expired, non-unlimited package with unredeemed services or products can be used (redeemed) by a client in either of the following conditions.

  • If Allow expired packages to be redeemed at any location is enabled in Business Preferences, global packages can be redeemed at any location, provided the Meevo user has Grant permission to the Redeem Expired Package key.
  • In Clients > History > Package History, an expired, non-unlimited package that has at least one service or product remaining on it will appear with a Available for use checkbox. This checkbox is editable to the location who owns the package. When the checkbox is enabled, the package is no longer considered expired and it can be redeemed normally in Meevo.

How are packages taxed?  

Services/Products in the package are taxed according to the tax rate defined in each individual service or product definition. Membership packages get taxed according to the tax rate defined in the Membership Type definition, but the Enrollment Fee gets taxed, not each service.

To redeem items from a package

Note: Once expired, unlimited packages are not redeemable, regardless of security settings.

  1. If a client on the Smart Receipt owns a package, the package indicator (shown below) appears next to the name. You can select this icon at any time to view the client's packages and package history.

  2. Add one or more services to the Smart Receipt. If the client has a package with an available direct redemption or split/swap/merge, then icons will appear.
    1. For direct redemptions, proceed to step 3.
    2. For splits, swaps, and merges, see Splitting, Merging, or Swapping Services.
  3. Select the redemption icon to execute the redemption.

The price may be adjusted depending upon the price of the package. In the example below, the package was $60 and included four Haircut Men's services, normally priced at $20 each. Redeeming the package service adjusts the cost to $15, the price of each service in the package ($15 x  4 = $60). For simplicity, tax calculations are excluded.

Note: If a service is being redeemed from a membership package, the commissionable amount is calculated according to which membership fee resulted in the package accrual:
Membership definition's Enrollment/Recurring/Renewal Fee OR Package Price / number of services in Package  (Meevo takes the lower of the membership Fee and Package Price.)

  1. If there are pre-paid tips on the package, they automatically appear in the totals section. 
  2. Select Finalize Sale, and in the Change Due window, select Add Tip. Add the pre-paid tip amount and select Add Tip again.
  3. Continue with finalizing the sale.