Rescheduling (Moving) Appointments

Rescheduling a single appointment can be done quickly from within the Appointment Book calendar view using the drag and drop method or the cut and paste method, both described below. You can also reschedule Standing Appointments through the Appointment Editor.

Note: When you move an appointment, all associated appointment notes are retained.

To reschedule a single appointment

Note: Once the client is checked in, an appointment can only be moved or cut/pasted to another block within the same day.

To reschedule a single appointment, locate the appointment, and then reschedule using any of the following methods:

Drag and dropDrag and drop

Note drag and drop functionality is not available on mobile phones due to their limited screen size.

  1. In the Appointment Book, select the appointment to bring up the Smart Assistant.
  2. Select and hold the appointment, then drag it to the desired location on the Appointment Book and release.

If you are using a touch screen computer monitor with Google Chrome and are having issues with drag and drop, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://flags
  2. Make sure Touch initiated drag and drop and Touch Events API are set to Enabled.
  3. Select Relaunch Now at the bottom of the screen.


Cut and pasteCut and paste

  1. In the Appointment Book, select the appointment to bring up the Smart Assistant.
  2. Select Cut in the Smart Assistant; the appointment now appears in the Cut column on the right of the page.

Note: If there are multiple services on the appointment, a prompt appears asking if you would like to cut all services.

  1. Scroll the calendar to the new appointment date and time.
  2. Select the appointment in the Cut window.
  3. To paste the appointment, select the new appointment date and time block.


Appointment EditorAppointment Editor

  1. Select an appointment and select Edit from the Smart Assistant menu or Client Quick Find menu. If you are editing a Standing Appointment, a pop-up message displays asking if you want to edit this specific appointment or the series. Select Edit Specific Appointment to display the Appointment Editor.
  2. Edit the appointment date and time as needed.
  3. Select Save.


As a best practice, verify the rescheduled appointment details in the calendar before closing the Appointment Book.

To reschedule a Standing Appointment

  1. Locate the appointment.
  2. Select Edit from the Smart Assistant menu or the Client Quick Find menu.
  3. A pop-up message displays asking if you want to edit this specific appointment or the series. Select Edit Series to display the Appointment Editor.
  4. Edit the standing appointment date and time.
  5. When finished, select Save.
  6. As a best practice, verify the rescheduled appointment details in the calendar before moving on.