Tippy Logs and Resending Tips

The Log tab is where you can view all Tippy transactions. If an error occurred when sending or tips to Tippy when finalizing a transaction or reversing tips during a void, you'll need to come to this tab to manually retry sending that information.

Searching tips

The Tippy Log screen displays:

  • Completed transactions that included tips that were sent to Tippy
  • Error'ed transactions

You can use the controls at the top of the screen to narrow your search. Set the Send Status to Error if you are looking for instances where employee tips were not sent to Tippy for any reason.

In the search results, the transaction number is a clickable link that will take you directly to the transaction in Transaction Editor. 

Resending "Errors" 

Calls to Tippy are not automatically retried if they fail, so you'll need to manually resend errors you receive during a transaction. To resend, select the "resend" icon beside the original attempt. This retries all errors on the transaction and creates a new line nested below the previous attempt for each retry. 

If a retry was successful, the Send Status will update to Complete on the new nested row.