About the Activity Log  

Most of the actions that your employees can perform in Meevo are tracked and recorded. Activity Log is your central hub for searching for and viewing those actions. For example, if an employee changes an option in Business information, Meevo records and saves what the option was before it changed, what the option changed to, the username of the person who made the change, the date and time of the action, and more. In this way, Activity Log is a powerful tool for performing audits of data you might question, such as a product price change, register closing amount, etc.

Activity Log Categories

Activity Log offers the following categories and criteria:

  • All Activities: Covers all activities in Meevo.
  • All Payroll: An aggregate of all of the payroll items mentioned below.
  • Appointments: Search through audits of all actions related to the Appointment Book: bookings, cancellations, edits, etc.
  • Clients: Search through Meevo's client logs. You can search for appointments, transactions, client profile updates, liabilities/used services, gift card balances, and more.
  • Communications: Search through the log of all email and SMS (text message) events.
  • Data Changes: Search through audits of all actions taken on Data menu items.
  • Gift Cards: Search through audits of any action taken on a gift card.
  • Payroll: Search through events related to changes to employee payroll settings.
  • Payroll Data: Search through the log of payroll that was calculated through the Payroll Engine.
  • Payroll Settings: Search through events related to the changes in the Payroll Settings screen.
  • Report Scheduler: Search through audits to view all actions related to Report Scheduler.
  • Security Audit: Search through security logs and target specific actions: access attempts and elevations, changes to security settings, and security role changes.
  • Transaction: Search through transaction logs to locate activity such as refunds, gift card transactions, on hold transactions, and voids.
  • All Time Clock events are captured in Activity Log as well. They can be viewed under All Activities. Some of those Time Clock events also appear in specific categories, but to view them in their entirety, select All Activities.

How long do audited actions remain in the Activity Log and Audit Logs?

Activity and audit retention is guaranteed for one year. You occasionally may see actions that are a few weeks or months beyond a year, but generally speaking, you can count on 12 months of activity retention. Note once activity and audit logs are purged, that data is no longer retrievable.