Transferring a Membership to Another Location
What happens when a membership is transferred to another location?
When you transfer a membership to another location (for example, if the client is moving):
- The new location now processes membership billing. Certain payment history items (payment attempts, for example) are not transferred.
- Credit card tokens, if any, are removed from the original home location's system.
- ACH information is transferred to the new home location.
- If the new location has different pricing, the client takes on the new home location's pricing.
What situations would prevent me from transferring a membership?
A membership cannot be transferred if:
- The membership does not exist at the new home location.
- The membership is in a Suspended state, Error state, Frozen, or is In Cancellation.
- A payment is in an Error state or a Pending state (this is typical when ACH is the payment method).
To transfer a membership
- Locate the client in Membership Manager.
- Select the Transfers tab and select Edit.
- Select Change Home Location.
- Locate and select the new home location.
- Select Save.