Transferring a Membership to Another Location

What happens when a membership is transferred to another location?

When you transfer a membership to another location (for example, if the client is moving):

  • The new location now processes membership billing. Certain payment history items (payment attempts, for example) are not transferred.
  • Credit card tokens, if any, are removed from the original home location's system.
  • ACH information is transferred to the new home location.
  • If the new location has different pricing, the client takes on the new home location's pricing.

What situations would prevent me from transferring a membership?  

A membership cannot be transferred if:

  • The membership does not exist at the new home location.
  • The membership is in a Suspended state, Error state, Frozen, or is In Cancellation.
  • A payment is in an Error state or a Pending state (this is typical when ACH is the payment method).

To transfer a membership

  1. Locate the client in Membership Manager.
  2. Select the Transfers tab and select Edit.
  3. Select Change Home Location.
  4. Locate and select the new home location.
  5. Select Save.