Getting Started with Online Membership Sales

Some general info on this feature to get you started:

  • Online Membership Sales (OMS) is a client-facing site dedicated to selling memberships online, much like Online Booking is dedicated to online appointment booking and eGift is dedicated to online gift card and package purchases.
  • The Online Membership Sales Business Booster must be enabled from the MeevoXchange. Once it's enabled, new options appear within Meevo.
  • You must have an active MeevoPay Merchant Account to use the Online Membership Sales feature. 

Follow these steps to enable the Business Booster:

  1. Enable Online Membership Sales in the MeevoXchange by going to Meevo > MeevoXchange > Business Boosters and selecting the Online Membership Sales tile.
  2. After the Business Booster is enabled in the MeevoXchange, an Online Membership Settings tile appears in the Meevo Membership menu. Within Online Membership Settings is the option to enable Online Membership Sales for clients, which allows clients to log into the client-facing site and purchase memberships that are sold online.
    1. We recommend leaving the Enable Online Membership Sales option disabled until you finish configuring all settings, memberships, and branding. When the feature is not enabled, clients cannot access or log into the site. You can always enable the switch temporarily if you'd like to see how your settings affect the site. 
    2. In multi-locations, Central Office (CO) is in control of enabling the feature for all locations. Locations have the option to disable Online Membership Sales if it's enabled in CO. 
    3. We recommend using the integrated Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager analytics to track the client journey throuogh your site.
  3. In addition, when you enable the OMS Business Booster, several additional options appear in Meevo:
  • A new option appears within Membership definitions: Available for Online Membership Sales, which makes the membership available for purchase online.
  • New security keys in Meevo's Security Administration allow you to secure the Online Membership Settings tile.
  1. When you're ready to set up OMS in Meevo, see Configuring Online Membership Sales for details on setting up the site, choosing memberships to sell, and designing your membership cards.
  2. When you're finished with setup, come back to the Online Membership Settings > Main tab and select Enable Online Membership Sales to begin selling memberships online to clients!