Commission Scales


Straight commission is a flat percentage that the employee receives based on sales volume. This percentage does not vary unless there are commission overrides set up. Below, the employee is set to receive 20% commission on the total volume of service sales.

Tiered Straight

Tiered Straight places the employee's commissionable amount into one "column" or "bucket." Each bucket has a range and percent value. The commissionable amount determines which bucket, and therefore percentage, the employee is to be paid.

Below, we set up a Tiered Straight commission structure. As an example, if the commissionable amount is $125, the employee receives 15% of that amount, or $18.75.

Note: A value of $0 in the To field of the last column means And Up.

Tiered Sliding

A Tiered Sliding commission structure places the employee's commissionable amount into each "bucket" that the commissionable amount covers. Each bucket has a range and percent value.

Below, we set up a Tiered Sliding commission structure. As an example, if the commissionable amount is $325:

  • The first $100 earned 10% commission: $10.
  • The next $100 earned 15% commission: $15.
  • The next $100 earned 20% commission: $20.
  • The remaining $25 earned 25%: $6.25.
  • The total commission earned is $51.25.

Note: A value of $0 in the To field of the last column means And Up.

Retail to Service Bonus

This bonus takes the retail to service sales percentage and places it into a tiered straight scale to determine the commission based on retail sales.

Below, we set up a tiered straight scale for the Percent Retail to Service Commission.

As an example:

  • During the Retail payroll period, the employee is responsible for $300 in retail sales and $1000 in service sales.
  • The percentage (Retail sales during Retail payroll period / Service sales during retail payroll period) x 100 = 30%.
  • Looking at the tiers below, we see that the 30% ratio falls into the second column. So, the employee receives 6% of the $300 retail commissionable amount, which is $18.