DP005: Barcode Labels

The DP005 report generates product barcode labels for the selected products. Barcodes can be printed using either of the following Avery labels:

  • By default, the DP005 is configured for 1/2" or 1 3/4" (Avery 8167) labels. 
  • The DP005 also offers support for Avery L4736 labels, allowing international businesses that use A4-size paper to run the DP005. If the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, or Ireland is selected in Meevo's Cultural Settings, the DP005 will be automatically configured to use the L4736 template.

Tip: By default, this report outputs barcodes in Code39 font. If needed, you can enable a Business setting that changes this output to Code128.

Report definitions

This report displays the product, barcode (if one exists in product definition and if Include Barcode was selected) in Code39 font, and the SKU/Code, display name, variants, etc. It also displays the product's price if Include Price was selected.

Note: Barcodes longer than 12 characters in length may not be readable by a barcode scanner.

Setting up the DP005 report

  1. Type DP005 in the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Reports > Products, and then select the DP005 report.
  2. The options described below in step 3, step 4, step 5, and step 6 act as "filters;" they will determine which products will appear when Show Matching Products is selected.
  3. Define the scope of products that will appear in the report. If both of these options are selected, Meevo will display only products that were changed Today.
    1. Display Product Entered / Changed by Current Login in Last 7 Days: Filters the list to include only Products whose definitions were created or edited by the current logged-in user, as well as Products whose on-hand counts were altered by an Inventory Count, Purchase Order, or Inventory Return created by the logged in user within the last week.
    2. Display Product Entered / Changed Today:  Filters the list of Products to those that were created or altered by an Inventory Count, Purchase Order, or Inventory Return during the current day.
  4. Include Retail: Includes in the report products marked as Retail in the product definition.
  5. Include Shop Supply: Includes in the report products marked as Shop Supply in the product definition.
  6. Sort by: This determines how the data in the report is sorted. The selection here determines which selector (All Products or All Manufacturers) will appear below it.
    1. Manufacturers: Sorts the report by the product's Manufacturer.
    2. Product Categories: Sorts the report by Product Category.
  7. All Manufacturers: Select All Manufacturers to include products from all manufacturers, or deselect All Manufacturers to view the list and select individual manufacturers.
  8. Show Matching Products: Select this button to generate the All Products selector, which is a list of all of the products that meet the criteria set by the previous 5 options.
  9. All Products: The products that appear in this list meet the criteria that was set by all of the options before it. Select All Products to run the report for all of the products to be included in the output, or deselect All Products to view the list and select individual products.
  10. Start labels at the beginning of sheet: If selected, labels will be printed starting with the top-left label on the sheet. Deselect this option to use the on-screen label selector to manually choose where on the sheet labels should start printing.
  11. Include Barcode on Label: Includes the product's barcode according to its product definition.
  12. Include Sku/Code on Label: Includes the product's SKU/Code according to its product definition.
  13. Include Price on Label: Includes the product's price according to its product definition.
  14. Include Manufacturer on Label: Includes the product's manufacturer according to its product definition.
  15. Determine how many labels Meevo should print:
    1. Based on Current On-Hand Values: Meevo prints the number of labels that correspond to the product's current on-hand count. So, if Product A has an on-hand value of 5, then the DP005 would print 5 labels for this product.
    2. Number of Labels for Each Product: Manually specify the number of labels that should be printed for each product, regardless of on-hand count.
    3. Select Preview at any time to see how the labels will print. In the first pop-up window, you can manually specify the # of Labels for each product. Close that window to view a print preview.

Running the report

  1. When you are ready to generate the report, select a Report Format beside the Run Report button.
  2. Here is a rundown of each format type:
    1. PDF: Each time you select Run Report with PDF selected, Meevo opens a separate browser tab that displays the PDF'ed report. Meevo remains on the setup page, so you can quickly jump back over to Meevo to run more date ranges or other reports. Each PDF report you run will open its own browser tab, so you can easily review and compare reports by simply jumping between browser tabs.
    2. HTML: This is our original legacy format, which opens the report within Meevo. All of the functionality within that report is still there and available via the toolbar.
    3. XLSX: Each time you select Run Report, your browser auto-downloads the report in .xlsx format. Select the downloaded file in the browser footer to open the spreadsheet.
  3. Select Run Report to generate the report in your chosen format. Depending on the type of report and criteria you entered, this process may take a few minutes.