MR095: Sales Tax Collected

The MR095 report displays sales tax collected within the date range, with the number of items sold, taxable and non-taxable income, total income, and more.  

Tip: Run the MR095 at the end of each tax year as an aid when filing taxes for your business.

Report definitions

Click here for details on each of the fields in Detail View.Click here for details on each of the fields in Detail View.


  • # Sold: Quantity sold of the item.
  • Taxable Income: Income for sold items not marked as tax-exempt.
  • Non-Taxable Income: Income for sold items marked as tax-exempt.
  • Income: (Taxable Income + Tax-Exempt Income)
  • Sales Tax/Custom Tax Collected: Total tax collected according to the tax type.
  • Subtotal fields: These fields add up all values in each column. Values in parenthesis are subtracted from the total, as these indicate refunds.

Membership section

  • Dues: Dues that are collected from Freeze Fees or EFT dues, regardless if they are scheduled payments or manual payments.
  • Sales: Amount collected as a result of membership sales (Enrollment Fees).
  • Refunds: Amount refunded, separated by Dues and Memberships (Enrollment Fees).

Packages section

  • Sales: Amount sold, separated by Services, Products, and Package Charges.
  • Refunds: Package products or services that were refunded.

Products section

  • Retail Sales: Amount of Retail inventory sold.
  • Shop Supply Sales: Amount of Shop Supply inventory sold.
  • Retail Refunds: Amount of Retail inventory that was refunded.
  • Shop Supply Refunds: Amount of Shop Supply inventory that was refunded.

Services section

  • Sales: Amount sold.
  • Refunds: Amount refunded.
  • Pkg Redemptions: Redemption of package items from a package that was purchased at this location.
  • Offsite Pkg Redemptions: Redemption of package items from a package that was purchased at a location other than this one.

Service Charges section

  • Collected: Total Service Charges (Employee Fees, House Fees, and Ticket Charges) collected during the date range.
  • Refunded: Total refunded Service Charges.

Fees section

  • Package Transfer: The total tax collected on package transfer fees.
  • Service Cancellation Fee: The total tax collected on cancellation fees.
  • Service No-Show Fee: The total tax collected on no-show fees.

Pkg Redemptions section

This section lists totals for service and product package redemptions, including data for offsite redemptions.

Click here for details on each of the fields in Summary View.Click here for details on each of the fields in Summary View.


  • # Sold: Quantity sold of the item.
  • Taxable Income: Income for sold items not marked as tax-exempt.
  • Non-Taxable Income: Income for sold items marked as tax-exempt.
  • Income: (Taxable Income + Tax-Exempt Income)
  • Sales Tax/Custom Tax Collected: Total tax collected according to the tax type.
  • Total fields: These fields add up all values. Values in parenthesis are subtracted from the total, as these indicate refunds.


  • Membership Dues: Dues that are collected from Freeze Fees or EFT dues, regardless if they are scheduled payments or manual payments.
  • Membership Sales: Memberships sold.
  • Packages: Packages that are sold, regardless of package contains services or products.
  • Package Charges: Total Package Charges that were collected.
  • Products: Products that were sold.
  • Services: Services that were sold.
  • Service Charges: Service Charges that were collected (Employee Fees, House Fees, and Ticket Charges)
  • Fees: The tax collected on package transfer fees, service cancellation fees, and service no-show fees.

Setting up the MR095 report

  1. Type MR095 in the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Reports > Register/Sales, and then select the MR095 report.
  2. Select a date or date range for running the report:
    1. To run a report for a specific date range, select Custom and specify the Start Date and End Date for the report.
    2. Otherwise, select a predefined date or range (Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc.).

Note: If you select a predefined range (a date other than Custom), you can still change the Start Date and End Date. Doing so automatically changes the date range to Custom.

  1. Select the report view:
    1. Summary View: In this view, the Description column displays the quarter and year for the relevant information.
    2. Detail View: In this view, the Description column displays the type of liability being run.
  2. All Active Taxes: If you have more than 5 taxes set up in Business Information, you can deselect this option and use the mover to select which taxes should appear in the report. Note a given report can display a maximum of 5 active taxes.
  3. Display Details for Drawers Selected: If selected, the report displays a summary cover page, and each drawer's details are listed on subsequent pages.
  4. All Drawers: Select All Drawers to run the report for all register drawers. To run the report for specific drawers, deselect the option and select the drawers you want to run.

Running the report

  1. When you are ready to generate the report, select a Report Format beside the Run Report button.
  2. Here is a rundown of each format type:
    1. PDF: Each time you select Run Report with PDF selected, Meevo opens a separate browser tab that displays the PDF'ed report. Meevo remains on the setup page, so you can quickly jump back over to Meevo to run more date ranges or other reports. Each PDF report you run will open its own browser tab, so you can easily review and compare reports by simply jumping between browser tabs.
    2. HTML: This is our original legacy format, which opens the report within Meevo. All of the functionality within that report is still there and available via the toolbar.
    3. XLSX: Each time you select Run Report, your browser auto-downloads the report in .xlsx format. Select the downloaded file in the browser footer to open the spreadsheet.
  3. Select Run Report to generate the report in your chosen format. Depending on the type of report and criteria you entered, this process may take a few minutes.