Using Search  

To locate a data item in Meevo, use the item's search form, where you can perform a text search, as well as use Advanced Search to narrow down your criteria even further (to search for inactive or deleted items, for example).

How does Meevo search for items?

For most items in Meevo, Search returns results based on what the Display Name, SKU/Code, and Shortcut begin with, meaning if you have a package named 3 Massages and you search for it by entering 3 into the Search box, Meevo will display the package in the results. But if you search for the package by entering Massages into the Search box, Meevo will not display the package (but it will display any packages that begin with Massages).

The only exceptions to this rule are Services and Products. Service search looks at what the Display Name and Shortcut contain, while Product search looks at what the Display Name, SKU/Code, Barcode, or attribute value contain. So, if you want to locate a service named Swedish Massage, entering either Swedish or Massage into the Search box will return the service. Meevo looks for Services and Products in this manner anywhere you can search for a Service or Product (in the register, for example).

To open the search form

In most cases, you will access the search form from the tiles available in the Meevo menu or from the Convobar. Below, we see the Clients search form.




Search field, where you enter your search parameters.

Advanced Search link, which opens the Advanced Search window.


Active Count link, which displays the total number of active clients, regardless of what filters are applied.


Search button, which executes a search based on your parameters.

Add New button, which opens a blank maintenance form for you to fill out.


To perform a Search

Search allows you to search for specific criteria, such as a client's phone number. Search results return only Active items; open Advanced Search to see additional searchable status options.

  1. Search: Enter criteria to search. In most cases, text fields that appear in Advanced Search are also searchable via Search. For example, Employee Code appears in the Employee Advanced Search window, so it is also allowable criteria if using Search.
  2. Select Search.
  3. Select the desired item to view its form.

To perform an Advanced Search

For most items, an Advanced Search is how you locate Inactive or Deleted data. Some items provide more criteria by which to search (for example, you can perform an Advanced Search of Membership Types for items that are marked Taxable).

Note: Unless specified otherwise in Advanced Search, search results only return Active items.

  1. Select the filter to reveal the Advanced Search window.
  2. On the Advanced Search window (Clients window shown below), enter the information into the relevant fields.

  1. Refine the search by selecting any of the following options:  
  • Global: Select Global to search across all locations. In the search results, a globe appears to the right of the item. You cannot perform a Global search if you also selected a date range (for example, selecting a range under Has Appointment).

Note: Even if Global is not selected, Meevo will return global results if there are no local results to display.

  • Active: Includes items with a Status of Active.
  • Applied: Includes items that were already applied, such as Employee Promotions.
  • Inactive: Includes items with a Status of Inactive.
  • Deleted: Includes deleted items in search results.
  1. When ready to perform the search, select Search.
  2. Select an item to view its maintenance form.

To view search results within the form

When viewing a form, you can select the "down" arrow to reveal a window your most recent search's results. This allows you to open various forms without having to bounce back to the Search screen. You can also view audit information related to the creation and editing of that form.





Select Search to return to the search form.


Select within the box to reveal a drop-down of your most recent search results.


Select the tab name (Main in the image above) to reveal audit details for this form.


Select the X to close the form, but be sure to save your changes first!