Setting Up Walk-In Manager Notifications

To get to Walk-In Manager Settings, go to Meevo > Business Settings > Walk-In Manager Settings.

  1. Select the Notifications tab and select Edit.
  2. For each notification type, select the checkbox to enable the message, and then enter a message. If desired, customize the message using the tags from the list.

Note: Select Reset at any time to reset the message back to the Meevo default.

  1. The notification types are:
    1. Welcome Text: This notification is the initial message sent after a client is added to the Walk-In Manager wait list.
    2. Position 1: This notification lets the client know that they are at the top of the list and prompts the client to check-in at the location. Clients who enter the Walk-In Manager wait list at position 1 will not receive a notification.
    3. Position: This notification informs the client of their current position. The notification is sent when the client reaches the position selected in the drop-down. Remember, notifications are sent once per "position" to a client. For example, if a client receives a text message that they are position 3 and then get bumped to position 4, the client will receive a message that they are in position 4, but will not receive another message when they are back to position 3.
    4. Missed: This notification is sent when a client is marked as a no-show in Walk-In Manager.
    5. Closing: This notification informs the client that the business is closing soon. The notification is sent depending on the time duration selected from the Closing drop-down.
  2. When finished, select Save.