Adding a Service Charge or Ticket Charge
To get to Service Charges, type servicecharge into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Business Settings > Service Charges.
For full details on service charges, be sure to review our Service Charges FAQ.
To add a service charge
Note: To configure a package charge (a type of service charge), you will need to do so from the Packages data maintenance form.
- From the Service Charges search screen, select Add New.
- Automatically charge a: Create a label for this service charge; this will be the service charge's display name in Meevo.
- Fee / Tip: Select the type of charge:
- Employee Fee: This would be a fee that goes towards employee education, for example.
- Employee Tip: This service charge is automatically added to an employee's commission. Employee Tips appear in the reports listed in our Service Charges FAQ.
- House Fee: This would be a fee that goes towards operational costs, for example.
- House Tip: This service charge automatically goes to the House in the form of a tip.
- Ticket Charge: Each configured Ticket Charge can be applied once per ticket. Ticket Charges can only be an amount, not a percentage. Ticket Charges are credited to the House employee.
- Amount: This is the amount or percentage that will determine the service charge. Select $ or % to toggle between units.
- Enter a Short Description to provide supplementary information on this service charge.
- Taxes: The Taxes section appears if you selected Ticket Charge, Employee Fee, or House Fee. To tax the charge, deselect Non-taxable and select a Service tax rate from the list. Note only Service tax rates can be selected here.
- Next, use the selectors and drop-downs to select which services these service charges apply to.
- When finished, select Save.
To edit a service charge
Note: You will be unable to edit a service charge if it has been used (that is, included in a completed transaction).
- Locate the service charge and select it.
- Select Edit, and then make your changes.
- When finished, select Save.