Viewing, Editing, or Deleting a Purchase Order

To get to Purchase Orders, type purchaseorder into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Inventory > Purchase Orders.

To view Purchase Orders and details

  1. From the Purchase Orders search form, select a filter from the Filter by drop-down:

  • All: Displays all Purchase Orders, regardless of status.
  • Not Received: Displays Purchase Orders that are not yet received.
  • Partially Received: Displays Purchase Orders that are only partially received.
  • Received in Full: Displays Purchase Orders that were completely received.
  1. Select Search. A list of Purchase Orders appears.
  2. Select the Purchase Order to access the screen and view details.

To edit a Purchase Order

Note: Only Not Received Purchase Orders can be edited. If the Purchase Order status is anything other than Not Received, you cannot make changes to the PO.

Note: If returning to a saved Purchase Order, the Order Products for and Load all by a specific manufacturer filters cannot be edited.

  1. Locate and select the Purchase Order.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. To add a product to the list, enter the product name, barcode, or SKU into the Add a specific product drop-down. To load all products, select Load Products with a blank Add a specific product field. You can load products from a specific distributor using the From Distributor drop-down.
  4. Modify the fields for any product in the list.
  5. Select Save to save your changes to the Purchase Order.

To delete a Purchase Order

Note: Only Not Received Purchase Orders can be deleted. If the Purchase Order status is anything other than Not Received, deletion is not permitted. Deleted Purchase Orders can be searched for and viewed, but cannot be undeleted.

  1. Locate and select the Purchase Order.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Select Yes on the confirmation message.