About Client Points Manager
What is Client Points Manager?
Client Points Manager is where you can view, add, or remove points from a client's account. You can also view a client's history of accrued and redeemed points.
How do I define points settings, including points-to-currency ratio?
Points settings, including the points-to-currency ratio, are defined in the Points/Rewards Settings section of the Business Information > Preferences screen.
If I edit the points-to-currency ratio, what happens to a client's points and dollar amount?
If you edit the point value in the ratio, the client's redeemable dollar amount will stay the same, but the client's points will be recalculated. If you edit the currency value, no changes will be made to the client's points or dollar amount.
How do I know if a client has points available for redemption?
The client points indicator
appears beside the client name in the register when points are available
for redemption.
Can a client redeem points at one location if the points were earned at another?
Yes, but only if the Central Office Business Information > Preferences setting Allow the viewing/redemption of points across all locations is enabled.
Can I reset all client points to zero?
Yes! Go to the Meevo System Toolbox to reset all client points that were earned at your location.