Memberships: Icons and FAQs
How do I set up memberships?
- Create Membership Types. Each membership must be assigned a Membership Type, so this is a required step.
- Create Membership Cancellation Reasons. canceling a client's membership requires you to select a Membership Cancellation Reason, so this is a required step.
- To define membership discount benefits, create at least one Member Benefit Template. This is an optional step.
- In Business Preferences, scroll to the Membership Settings section and configure additional options such as refund and cancellation policies.
- Create your membership in the Memberships form, where you define rules and options related to sharing of membership packages, billing settings, freeze options, and various fees associated with enrollment, recurring billing, and renewals.
Are there fields that I cannot change once a membership has been sold?
Yes! Membership Length, Billing Type, Recurring Payment Schedule, and the Employee Membership flag cannot be changed once the membership has been sold. Further, you cannot disable Auto-Renew or change the Billing Type from Both on a membership that has already been sold.
Can I upgrade or downgrade a client's membership?
Yes! See Upgrading Memberships for more information.
What happens if I change settings in a membership definition, or its associated Member Benefit Template or package, after the membership was already sold to clients?
Membership definition:
Most of the settings in a membership definition are "stamped" at the time of sale, meaning those settings are forever attached to the membership when it's sold regardless of any changes you make to the membership definition after the sale. However, changes made to the following settings will always be inherited by all memberships, even ones that were already sold:
- Transfer Settings
- Freeze Settings
- Renewal Fee*
- Auto-Renew checkbox
*Memberships whose Renewal Fee was manually adjusted in the register at time of sale, manually adjusted in Membership Manager post-sale, or grandfathered in via Marketing Pricing will not inherit changes to the definition's Renewal Fee, as those membership Renewal Fees are considered overrides.
Member Benefit Template:
There are two ways to affect a membership by changing a membership's Member Benefit Template:
- If you edit an existing Member Benefit Template definition all clients with memberships that had this template attached at the time of sale will receive the updated Member Benefit Template settings.
- If you change the Member Benefit Template in the membership definition:
- Members in Initial Term: The benefit template for members in their Initial Term will not change; those members will continue to receive the benefit template settings that were attached to the membership at time of sale. Upon Renewal, the membership will inherit the updated template settings.
- Members in Renewal Term: The benefit template for members in their Renewal Term will be updated immediately with the newly selected template.
Package definition:
- With the exception of the options mentioned below, editing a package definition will not affect memberships that were already sold. Those memberships will continue to honor the package price, services, etc. that were in place at the time of sale.
- However, editing Package options Can split or swap services or Award Full Commission on Redemption of Package Items will affect all memberships that are associated with this package, even if the membership was already sold.
How many active memberships can a client have at one time?
A client can have only one active membership at a time.
How do I set up membership commission for my employees?
There are two places to configure membership payroll/commissions:
- In the employee's profile, the Payroll tab > Membership section provides commission options for enrollment and recurring fees.
- In Memberships > Payroll, you can configure membership-specific or employee-specific overrides for enrollment and recurring fees. These settings override any commission settings in the employee's profile.
When is a payment method required for a membership?
A payment method (Credit Card or ACH) is required for:
- Paid in Full memberships that are set to Auto-Renew and that have a Renewal Fee of greater than $0.
- Recurring memberships with a Recurring Fee of greater than $0, OR that are set to Auto-Renew and that have a Renewal Fee of greater than $0.
What do the client membership indicators mean?
Membership indicators are icons that provide information related to the client's membership, such as whether it is frozen or suspended. Client membership indicators will appear in client profiles, Appointment Editor, the register, Confirmation Manager, and Client Quick Find.
Note some client indicators also appear in Membership Manager.
Indicator |
Meaning |
Sold Today: Membership sold to client today. |
Initial 90: Client is within first 90 days of initial membership term. |
Within initial term: Client is beyond first 90 days of initial membership term. |
Membership Terminated/Expired: Membership is terminated or expired. It does not appear in Client Find, the client profile, or the register. There is a Business Preferences setting that controls how long after the membership terminates/expires that this icon appears. |
In Cancellation: Membership is in cancellation and set to expire on a future date. This icon appears on the membership's Cancellation Date and remains there until the Termination Date. Once the Termination Date hits, the membership is considered Terminated/Expired. |
Error: Payment attempt encountered a processing error or remained in a Pending state for an extended period of time. |
Frozen: Membership is frozen and no benefits are available for use. If an immediate freeze is scheduled, this icon will appear overnight after a service runs. |
Frozen with benefits: Membership is frozen but there are benefits available for use. If an immediate freeze is scheduled, this icon will appear overnight after a service runs. |
Non-counting membership: Membership does not count towards sale conversion ratios. |
Within initial term: Membership due to expire in 30 days or less. |
Suspended: Membership suspended due to lack of payment. When a membership is suspended, the client does not have access to member benefits or accrued services. |
CC about to expire: Membership client's credit card on file is about to expire. |
In renewal: Membership renewed beyond initial term. The renewal term will begin on the Renewal Date, even if the renewal payment was pre-paid during the initial term. |
Note: A Not Active membership is one that has been purchased but not yet activated.
For memberships with multiple statuses, the priority of what displays is:
- Membership due to expire
- Membership frozen
- Membership is suspended
- Membership has a termination date (in process of cancellation)
- Membership is non-counting
Can an employee have a membership?
Yes, an employee can have an Employee Membership; see Assigning a Membership to an Employee for details.
Are there any prerequisites to creating memberships?
To create a membership, at least one Membership Type must be created. Optionally, configure at least one Member Benefit Template prior to creating a membership.