Managing Online Listings

If you make a change to your business information in Local SEO Profile Settings, you should then go to Online Listings Management to see how the listing will appear on that publisher's site.

What do the listing statuses mean?

Publishers can be divided into two groups: Submission Publishers and Dual Sync Publishers. This is important, as the statuses that can appear for a publisher depend on that publisher type.


Most publishers are Dual Sync Publishers, meaning they accept data from Meevo and they provide Meevo with analytical data, that is presented through Online Presence Management.

On the other hand, Submission Publishers only accept data from Meevo; they do not send any analytics back. Some examples of Submission Publishers are Amazon Alexa, Apple, Snapchat, and Uber. You can consider syncs with these publishers to be "one-way syncs."

The publisher listing statuses are:

  • Processing: Meevo is in the process of syncing your data to the publisher, usually as a result of a sync. This is a temporary state and the length of time a listing stays in the Processing state depends on how often the publisher ingests data. From this status, the next state can either be Live or Unavailable.
  • Live: Meevo has connected to the listing and is successfully syncing all or most of your data. We have also received a successful response from the publisher indicating that data is being ingested and published. This status only applies to publishers with Dual Sync integrations.
  • Unavailable: Meevo is unable to sync or submit information to the publisher. This status is usually accompanied by an action item, as shown below with Yelp. Occasionally, a publisher may require action from you before the data can be successfully synced. For details on resolving Unavailable publisher statuses, see Resolving Unavailable Publishers.
  • Opted Out: There is currently no connection between Meevo and the publisher, as syncing with this publisher is turned off. You have the option to Opt In and restore the connection at any time, as explained in Managing Online Listings.
  • Submitted: Meevo has submitted your information to the publisher. This status only applies to publishers with Submission integrations, and is the equivalent of a "Live" status for Dual Sync Publishers.

To view how a listing appears on a publisher site

  1. From within Online Listings Management, select the All Listings tab.
  2. Locate the site you wish to view. You can use the navigation panes on the left or the Search bar at the top to filter by a site.
  3. In the row of the site you wish to view, select View Listing.

  1. Another browser tab opens, bringing you directly to your listing on that publisher's site.

To force a sync with the publisher

  1. From within Online Listings Management, select the All Listings tab.
  2. Locate the site you wish to sync with. You can use the navigation panes on the left or the Search bar at the top to filter by a site.
  3. From the View Listing drop-down, select Force Sync.

  1. A sync occurs automatically; there is no indicator on-screen regarding this sync.

To suppress a duplicate listing

Note that an orange banner appears across the top of the page if there are duplicates that you can take action on. You can select the link in that banner to view all potential duplicates at once on the Duplicates tab, or you can scroll through the list and manage them on the All Listings tab one by one, as described below. For more details on duplicate suppression, see Suppressing Duplicate Listings.

  1. From within Online Listings Management, select the All Listings tab.
  2. Locate the site that has potential duplicates. Listings with duplicates will have # possible duplicates below the site name.
  3. From the View Listings drop-down, select Suppress Duplicates.
  4. On the Remove Duplicate Listings pop-up:
    1. Select from Matches: This the list of duplicates for this publisher that was found by OPM. Select the checkbox beside each listing you wish to take action on, and select Suppress to suppress the site or Not a Duplicate to remove this listing from the "duplicate" queue.
    2. Submit URL: You can paste a specific URL from that publisher that you wish to suppress. Select Check URL to verify that it is a valid address, and then select Submit.

To opt out of a publisher listing

When you opt out of a publisher listing, there is no longer a connection between Online Presence Management and the publisher. You can opt back in at any time.

  1. From within Online Listings Management, select the All Listings tab.
  2. Locate the site you wish to opt out of. You can use the navigation panes on the left or the Search bar at the top to filter by a site.
  3. From the View Listings drop-down, select Opt Out.

  1. Confirm the pop-up message to complete opting out. The publisher status will now read Opted Out.

To opt back into a publisher listing

You can opt back into an opted out publisher listing at any time.

  1. From within Online Listings Management, select the All Listings tab.
  2. Locate the site you wish to opt back into. You can use the navigation panes on the left or the Search bar at the top to filter by a site.
  3. In the row of the publisher, select Opt In.

  1. Confirm the pop-up message to complete opting in. The publisher status will now read Processing or Submitted, depending on the type of publisher.

To export this list

To export the list to a .csv file, select Export from the More Actions menu. The .csv is automatically downloaded to your computer.