Reprinting Receipts After a Finalized Transaction

There are a variety of reasons why a business might need to reprint a receipt, such as client request, insurance or health claims, and gift purchases.

Meevo allows you to reprint any number of receipts that might be available for a transaction: the original receipt, an insurance receipt, a gift receipt, and the merchant receipt (for card payments). Receipts can be printed from a client profile's Client History and from Transaction Editor.

Note: Merchant Receipts can only be printed from the Transaction Editor.

What appears on an Insurance Receipt?

  • *** Insurance Receipt *** appears across the top of the receipt, and *** Paid in Full *** appears across the bottom. As with regular receipts, the business information, transaction number, and date and time appear in the receipt. Insurance Receipt always display a list of services.
  • If the client purchased services (services not obtained through a monthly EFT), the insurance receipt displays the service price.
  • If the client accrued services as a result of a monthly membership, the receipt displays those accrued services. The price of each service is calculated as:
    Monthly EFT / Number of services accrued

What appears on a Gift Receipt?

  • *** Gift Receipt *** appears across the top of the receipt.
  • When you print a Gift Receipt, Meevo presents a modal for you to select the items that should appear on the receipt. 
  • As with regular receipts, the business information, transaction number, date and time, transaction details (selected items and credited employees, but no price), and receipt message also appear in the receipt.
  • If a transaction contains items being sold and items being refunded, the refunded items do not appear on the gift receipt.

Note: You cannot print a gift receipt for EFT payments in Transaction Editor.

What appears on a Merchant Receipt?

  • *** Merchant Copy *** appears at the bottom of the receipt.
  • Transaction information is included such as the date, Merchant ID, and reference number.
  • Payment information is included such as Name on Card, Terminal ID, Card Type, Funding Source, and more. 


To provide a receipt after a finalized transaction

  1. A receipt can be printed or emailed at any time after finalizing a transaction.
  2. Locate the transaction in Transaction Editor or the client's Transaction History.
  3. Select print (below, left) or email (below, right).

  4. From the drop-down, select Receipt, Gift Receipt, Insurance Receipt, or Merchant Receipt (Transaction Editor only).