Understanding Deductions

Deductions allow your business to recover losses associated with the application of a service by deducting various costs from an employee's commission. These include Shop Costs, Labor Costs, and expenses associated with obtaining new clients. You can decide whether to apply these deductions before or after commission is calculated, and you can also configure a charge per ticket and a booth rental fee.

How do I set up deductions in Meevo?

  1. Enable various deductions for each employee:
    The Deductions tab in an employee profile is where you can enable the Shop, Labor, and First Time Purchase deductions and decide when to apply them (before or after commission is calculated), as well as define a Charge per Ticket and Booth Rental fee.
  2. The actual Shop, Labor, and First Time Purchase deduction amounts can be defined in two areas of Meevo:
  • When amounts are defined in a service definition, any employee who performs that service and who has the corresponding deduction enabled in their profile (via step 1) has that deduction applied.
  • When amounts are defined in an employee profile as a deduction override, those amounts are deducted from that specific employee when they perform that specific service. This deduction amount overrides the deduction amount on the service definition, if any.

I have deductions set up on service definitions and employee definitions. In what order of priority are those deductions applied?

Meevo applies deductions in the following order of importance:

Note for multi-location environments: If deductions are set up in a location and in Central Office, the location's settings override the Central Office settings.

  1. Employee-specific deductions - that is, deductions defined on the Commission Overrides tab of an employee profile - always supersede all other deduction settings.
  2. If there are no employee-specific deduction overrides, then the deductions defined in the service definition are applied.

Note: Deductions are not applied to flat rate commission overrides. For example, if a service has a $15 flat commission override with a $2 Shop Cost Deduction, the $2 deduction will not be applied and the employee will still receive $15 each time that service is performed.

Note: Employee deduction calculations can be impacted if commission on an item is split between two employees. See the Splitting Commissions topic for details.