Changing Sync Settings

Certain default Email Marketing sync settings can be changed by contacting MSI Business Support at (973) 402-8801. Only an MSI employee can update the following Email Marketing settings.

Include inactive client profiles

Inactive profiles are not normally synced to Email Marketing to help keep your number of contacts down. However, you can include inactive profiles in your sync if needed.

Reminder: If you sync inactive profiles to Email Marketing but then later decide to exclude them, inactive clients will be archived from Email Marketing Contacts during the next sync.

Change transaction threshold

Normally, clients who had a transaction within the past 2 years are included in syncs, and synced clients who haven't had a transaction in the past 2 years are archived and then purged. If you'd like to expand this threshold of 2 years, you can specify this to be 3, 4, or 5 years.

Multi-Location Sync Options

By default, Email Marketing creates one account to manage all locations. If desired, you can instead choose to create an account for each individual location. Remember, if you wish to change your configuration, you must contact MSI Business Support.

Important: If you change your multi-location sync option, Meevo will purge all contacts before adopting the new setting. This is a major data change that cannot be undone. Be sure to discuss the consequences of such a change with your Business Support rep before going forward.

One account across all locations

With this default configuration, Email Marketing is managed by Central Office.

  • Contacts are synced at the "tenant" level, meaning they are synced identically across all locations. For example, if a client goes to two different locations, they only count as one contact because they are synced once, "globally."
  • Locations do not have the ability to send out their own campaigns, and can only use campaigns that were created in Central Office.
  • The data fields are at the "tenant" level as well.

Each location manages its own account

With this configuration, each location manages its own Email Marketing account. Be sure to review More On Syncing Contacts with Email Marketing, as there are nuances to this configuration that you need to be aware of.

  • The active/inactive sync toggle is hidden in Central Office, as CO no longer manages an account. That toggle is now managed per location.
  • Within a day of enabling this option, each location's account gets created as well. Once that Account ID appears in Email Marketing, the location must go into Email Marketing settings and manually turn on the Email Marketing sync.
  • Contacts are synced per location, meaning contacts count towards individual locations. For example, if a client goes to two different locations, the client will sync to each location and therefore count as a contact at each location.
  • Each location has the ability to create and send out their own Email Marketing campaigns. Campaigns are not shared between locations.
  • The data fields become specific to each location.

Note: If the Business Information setting Allow the viewing/redemption of points across all locations is enabled, the Points Value custom field displays the client's point value across all locations. If the Business Information option is not enabled, this custom field displays points at the location level, plus any manual adjustments that were made in Central Office.