Double-booking an Employee or Resource

Can I double-book any employee?

Any employee can be double-booked. To ensure the user sees a prompt when double-booking an employee, ensure the Allow Double-booking setting in the employee profile is selected.

How do I double-book a resource?

Meevo will never automatically double-book a resource, but you can manually double-book a resource by:

  • Changing the Resource drop-down in the Appointment Editor to the resource you want to double-book, or
  • Moving the appointment to the resource while in Resource View.

Only resources whose Maximum client capacity is set to 0 can be double-booked.

To double-book an employee or resource

  1. Open the Appointment Book in Employee or Resource view.
  2. Select the time slot that will be double-booked.
  3. If you select a time with an existing appointment (even if that appointment is checked-out), the Smart Assistant displays Double as long as the employee or resource can be double-booked.

  1. Select Double and then select Book.

  1. In the Appointment Editor, create the appointment or book the resource and then select Save. If a confirmation message appears, select Yes. The double-booked appointment now displays alongside the original appointment.