Adding and Managing Visit Notes

Add Visit Notes to a client's profile to record color formulas or other information related to the services a client receives. Visit Notes can be referenced before or during a client's future appointments.  The Central Office Business Information setting Show Visit Notes across locations determines whether or not Visit Notes can be viewed across locations from within the client profile's Visit Notes tab.

How can I make it easier for employees to leave Visit Notes for clients?

We recommend you associate a Visit Note Type with a service. Meevo will prompts employees to record Visit Notes by automatically displaying a Visit Notes pop-up window after the service is rung up if the Business Preferences setting Prompt to enter visit notes upon completion of a transaction for services configured with a visit note type be enabled.


To add a Visit Note

  1. There are several ways to get to Visit Notes in a client's profile:
  • From the client profile, select the Visit Notes tab.
  • From the Appointment Book Smart Assistant, select Visit Notes (shown below, left).

  • From Client Quick Find, select Visit Notes (shown below) to open the Visit Notes tab of the client's profile.
  1. Select Add New to display the Add Visit Note window.
  2. Select today's Visit Date to leave a note regarding today's visit, or to backdate a Visit Note, select a previous date to reveal the Visit Time field and fill in the appointment time from that day.
  3. Select a Visit Note Type. You can go here for a quick review of Visit Note Types.
  4. Select the Employee who performed or will perform the service.
  5. If the Visit Note Type supports annotations, add your marks as needed. See Annotating a Visit Note for more details.
  6. Enter the visit details you wish to record in the Notes field.
  7. Select Save to save the new visit note to the client's profile.


To edit or delete a Visit Note

Locate the Visit Note on the client profile, and then:

  • To edit the note, select Edit below the visit note you wish to edit. The Edit Visit Note window appears. Edit the note as needed and select Save to save your changes.

Note: Approved Visit Notes cannot be edited unless the user has permission (in Security Administration) to approve/review a Visit Note. When editing, the Visit Note Type cannot be changed on an approved Visit Note. To edit the Visit Note Type of an approved Visit Note, uncheck the "approve" box, change the Visit Note Type, and re-approve the note.

  • To delete the note, select Delete below the visit note you wish to delete. A confirmation message appears. Select Yes to delete the note.

Note: The "approval" security key does not affect a user's ability to delete an approved Visit Note. Meevo will display a validation message prior to deletion informing you that you are about to delete a note that was approved by someone.