Using the Activity Log

To get to the Activity Log, enter activity into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Management > Activity Log.

Activity and audit retention is guaranteed for one year. You occasionally may see actions that are a few weeks or months beyond a year, but generally speaking, you can count on 12 months of activity retention. Note once activity and audit logs are purged, that data is no longer retrievable.

Step 1: Use the filters to create search criteria

  1. Use the filters across the top of the form to create search criteria:
  • Filter by Logged in User: Your selection here is the user who performed the actions. So, you can pick an individual user here and, in the results, view activity performed by just that person.
  • Specific Client Search: Your selection here is the client whose data was acted upon. So, you can pick an individual client here and, in the results, see all actions performed by the selected user on the selected client's information.
  • Filter by Employee (Optional): Your selection here is the employee whose data was acted upon. So, you can pick an individual employee here and, in the results, see all actions performed by the selected user(s) on the selected employee's information. This typeahead field displays all users and employees, regardless of the profile status (active, inactive, deleted). However, field does not include employees whose termination date was more than one year ago.
  • Day, Date, and Time options: Use these filters to refine the time range that you are searching.
  • What activities are you looking for?  These are the categories that you can search by. See About the Activity Log for details on these categories.
  1. When ready to view results, select Load Activity. The filter pane will automatically collapse, providing you with more on-screen space to view events. At any time you can select Reset to clear all filters.

Step 2: View and export results

  1. To sort the results, you can select any of the column headers across the top. You can also enter text to search for specific information using the text box on the top-left.
  2. If you enter something in the Enter text to search field, results that match you entry will be highlighted in yellow. You can select Filter results to filter the list to display only those items that match your entry, rather than view the entire list.
  3. Select an activity to view a window with even more details on the event. Scroll down to view the event's history. Select any event in History to immediately jump to its Activity Log Details. The highlighted row with an asterisk (*) indicates which event in the History you are currently viewing.

  4. If needed, you can:
  • Select Refresh to update your search results with any new, up-to-the-second events.
  • Select Export to export a list of all results to .csv format. Your browser will download the file.