Adding or Editing a Member Benefit Template

To get to Member Benefit Templates, type memberbenefit into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Memberships > Member Benefit Templates.

To add a Member Benefit Template

Tip: If creating several records that have similar details, select Copy to create a new record with fields identical to the one you just copied. This can save you a lot of time when creating data in Meevo. 

  1. From the Membership Benefit Template search form, select Add New.
  2. Enter a Display Name. Use a name that helps easily identify which template this is and which membership it should be applied to.
  3. Overall Discount Options: Discounts are applied to all Services, Products, and/or Packages in the form of "percent off."
  4. Service/Product/Package-specific Overrides: Discounts are applied to specific selections in the form of "percent off" or "specific price."
  5. Select the item from the drop-down, and then configure a percent off or price for the item. Select % or $ to alternate between the two units.
  6. Select the add icon to add the override.
  7. Repeat Step a and Step b as many times needed.
  8. When finished, select Save.

To edit a Member Benefit Template

Note: Some fields on the form may not be editable if the current location is not the item's Home Location. 

  1. Locate and select the Benefit Template. .
  2. Select Edit, and then make your changes.
  3. When finished, select Save.