About the Self Check-in Kiosk

The Self Check-in Kiosk helps process clients who already have an appointment by allowing them to view and check in for today's scheduled services at the kiosk rather than at the front desk. Clients use the phone number or email address on their Meevo profile to log into the kiosk.

How do I enable the Self Check-in Kiosk?

The Self Check-in Kiosk is a free Business Booster that is available from the MeevoXchange. Once this feature is enabled, Central Office and locations will have access to the Self Check-in Kiosk Settings, but only locations have access to the Self Check-in Kiosk.

What if a client has multiple services booked on that day?

If a client has multiple services booked for the day, checking in via the Self Check-in Kiosk will either check the client in for all of the day's appointments (if Check in all services is selected in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings), or for just the first service (if Just the first service is selected in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings).

What would prevent a client from being able to self check-in?

In all of these cases, the client will be presented with the Unsuccessful Check-in Message, which is configured in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings.

  • They do not have any appointments on the book for today.
  • They are not within the time frame set in the option Allow client to check in __ before their first booked service in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings.
  • They are not within the time frame set in the option Allow client to check in up to __ minutes late for their appointment in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings.

In the case below, the client will be presented with Prevent Check-in Message, which is also configured in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings.

  • There are unsubmitted Docs & Forms associated with this client, and the option Prevent Check-in for all services if Docs and Forms have not been submitted yet is enabled in Self Check-in Kiosk Settings.

Note: Clients cannot fill out Docs & Forms through the Self Check-in Kiosk.