Adding or Editing a Notification Template

To get to Notification Templates, type notemp into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Business Settings > Notification Templates.

Note: When creating your Notification Templates, be aware that line breaks and white space do not impact the HTML code, but do impact the formatting in the final message. So, your code may be a cluster of HTML without spacing, but in the message preview, your formatting will appear. Adding bold, italics, and other style preferences to a template will be reflected in the actual message.

To add a Notification Template  

Note: To make a notification template available as a Service Notification Template override, make sure to set the Business Type to All Business Types.

  1. Decide if you will be editing one of the Meevo default notifications or creating a new one.
  • To create a new template, select Add New and continue with the steps below.
  • To edit an existing template, select the template, select Copy, and continue with the steps below.
  1. Enter a Template Name.
  2. From the User Type drop-down, select Client or Employee. Your selection here determines the options available under the Notification Type drop-down. If you are creating a service template override, you must select Client.
  3. Select a Notification Type for this template.
  4. In the SMS Notification and/or Email Notification sections, enter the notification text. If you have notifications outside of Meevo in HTML format, you can import these notifications into Meevo. See Importing an HTML Template for more information.
  5. While drafting your SMS or Email notifications, bear in mind the following:
  • You can copy a message from either of the Notification text boxes, allowing you to reuse the same message for multiple user and notification types.
  • To use tags, place the cursor in the message where you want the tag. Then, select the tag from the list on the right, or drag the tag into the applicable area. For details on tags and how to use them, see Using Notification Template Tags.
  • Text notifications do not support third-party shortened links; messages that contain those links will be filtered out by Twilio, our carrier.
  1. When finished, select Save. A message appears, asking if you'd like to assign this template for the selected notification type. Select Yes to automatically assign the template. Otherwise, see Assigning Notification Templates to manually assign the template to the notification type.

To edit a Notification Template

Note: To change a notification template's Business Type, be sure that the notification is not in use at any location. A Business Type cannot be changed if the template is the default template for any notification.

  1. If you are editing a template created by a user, select Edit, and make your changes. To work with a Meevo default template, select the template, select Copy, and then edit the template.
  2. Be sure to select Save when finished.