Adding or Editing Security Roles

To get to Security Roles, type securityroles into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Management > Security Roles.  

To add a Security Role

  1. Enter a Role Name.
  2. From the Available Users selection box, select the employees that will be assigned this Security Role and select the right or left arrows to move users to either. To quickly filter the Available Users list, select an Employee Category from the Employee Category Filter and select Filter Users.
  3. Copy from existing security role: The role you are creating will inherit the security of the role selected here. This field is not mandatory, but it makes configuring the role in Security Administration much quicker.
  4. Only a Full Access User can add users to this role: If selected, only Full Access Users are able to assign this role in Meevo. Regardless of what this option is set to, a location can never edit the security keys for a Central Office-created Security Role.
  5. Role can be assigned by (Security Role): Select which Security Roles can assign users to the role being created.
  6. Smart Center: Select the Smart Centers that this employee will see when logged into Meevo. Repeat this step for as many other Smart Centers as needed. Use the up and down arrows to define the order that the Smart Centers appear for this employee. Note the following:
    1. Smart Centers assigned through a Security Role appear to the employee in addition to any Smart Centers that were assigned through the Security tab of an employee's profile. The Security Role Smart Centers will appear ahead of the employee profile Smart Centers.
    2. Security Role Smart Centers cannot be edited or removed via the employee profile; they must be managed via the Security Role definition.  
    3. If more than one Security Role is assigned, the order of Smart Centers is determined alphabetically by Security Role.
  7. Restrict Same Day Booking: When enabled, the user assigned to this role will be unable to book appointments for the current day or move appointments from another day to the current day. This option is useful for new front desk employees, where a manager may want to prevent same-day bookings until the employee is more familiar with how the business operates.
  8. Transactions can be edited up to ___ days in the past: Determines how long after a completed transaction that this Security Role can edit the transaction. This option can be set to a maximum of 32 days.
  9. When finished, select Save.

To edit a Security Role

Note: Some fields on the Security Role definition may not be editable if the current location is not the item's Home Location. Also note a location can never edit the security keys for a Central Office-created Security Role.

  1. Locate the Security Role and select it.
  2. Select Edit, and then make your changes.
  3. When finished, select Save.