Creating a Yield Management Strategy

A Yield Management Strategy groups similar Yield Management Programs together (all programs must be linked to at least one strategy). Strategies usually focus on a particular time-frame or date range, like summer afternoons or a holiday season.

How does Yield Management work with multi-location businesses?

Multi-location businesses should note the following regarding the creation of Strategies and Programs:

  1. If a Strategy is created in Central Office, only Central Office can edit the Strategy and add Programs under that Strategy. However, if the Strategy was made available to a location, then the location will be able to edit the CO-created Program details.
  2. The Employee selection step is not available when creating a Program in Central Office (the Employees tab does not appear). Once the associated Strategy is made available to locations, it is up to each individual location to edit the CO-created Program and select their desired employees from the Employees tab.
  3. If a Strategy is created at a location, only the location can edit the Strategy and add or edit Programs under that Strategy. A location-created Strategy (and its Programs) are not viewable from Central Office.
  4. See Inactivating or Deleting Programs and Strategies for details on how this works with Central Office and locations.

To create a Yield Management Strategy

  1. Type ymstrat into the Convobar, or go to Management > Yield Management Strategy.
  2. From the Yield Management Strategy search screen, select Add New.
  3. Display Name: Enter a name that accurately summarizes the Programs you plan to create. We recommend naming each Strategy according to its purpose: for example, "2021 Summer Discounts;" "Perpetual: Early Bird Discounts;" or "Busy Hours Increases."
  4. When finished, select Save. You can now create Programs for this Yield Management Strategy.

To edit a Strategy

A Strategy is editable only to the location (or Central Office) that created it.

  1. Locate the Strategy and select it.
  2. Select Edit, and then make your changes. The Display Name and Location Options are editable.
  3. When finished, select Save.