MR080: Register Summary

The MR080 report provides all register activity within the date range for each drawer: service and retail sales and refunds, liabilities (packages & gift/eGift cards), memberships, fees and service charges, payment types collected, liabilities redeemed, and tax collected.  

Tip: Run the MR080 report at the end of each business day to assist with closing the register. To view itemized details on the Payment Types section of this report, view the MR110: Payment Detail report.

Report definitions

Click here for details on each of the Cash Summary fields.Click here for details on each of the Cash Summary fields.

  • Opening Cash in Drawer: The sum of each drawer opening's Cash in Drawer in the date range.
  • Cash in Drawer at Closing: The sum of each drawer closing's Cash in Drawer in the date range.
  • Cash Left in Drawer: The sum of each drawer closings Cash Left in Drawer in the date range.
  • Cash to Bank: (Cash in Drawer at Closing ‒ Cash Left in Drawer)
  • Checks to Bank: Total amount of checks that were tendered during the date range. This assumes that all checks are deposited to the bank at the end of each day.
  • Total Deposits to Bank: (Cash to Bank + Checks to Bank)

Click here for details on each of the Payment Types fields.Click here for details on each of the Payment Types fields.

Section column headers:

  • Actual: For all drawers/each drawer in the report and each Payment Type, this is the total amount entered during the closing process.
  • Calculated: For all drawers/each drawer in the report and each Payment Type, this is the total that Meevo calculated based on sales tendered minus any refunds.
  • Over / (Short):  For all drawers/each drawer in the report and each Payment Type, this is the difference between the Actual and Calculated values. If what Meevo calculated is greater than the Actual amount, it is considered Short. If what Meevo calculated is less than the Actual amount, it is considered Over. Shortages are displayed in parenthesis and italic font.


Cash Calculation  

This section breaks out all cash-related events that impact your cash total.

  • Cash Tendered: For all drawers/each drawer in the report, this is the total amount of cash brought into the register via the Cash Payment Type.
  • Pay-Ins/Outs: For all drawers/each drawer in the report, this is the total cash paid in and paid out.
  • Cash Rounding: Countries that do not or rarely use cash denominations of 0.01 (round to 0.05 or greater) can see the sum total of rounding adjustments in this field.
  • Cash Total: The total cash brought in by all drawers/each drawer in the report. Shortages are displayed in parenthesis and italic font.
  • Monetary Total: Cash Total + Credit Card Total + Other Monetary Payment Total

Credit Cards

This section breaks out all credit card amounts.

Other Monetary Payment

This section breaks out all other monetary payments, such as checks and check pay-ins.


This section breaks out all non-monetary Payment Types. Note Payment Plans will appear here when used as a payment method.

  • Non-Monetary Total: The total of each non-monetary Payment Type used across all drawers. Shortages are displayed in parenthesis and italic font.

Click here for details on each of the Sales Summary fields.Click here for details on each of the Sales Summary fields.

  • Service Sales: Total amount of service sales, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Service Refunds: Total amount of service refunds, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Cancellation Fees: Total amount of cancellation fees, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Cancellation Fees Refunds: Total amount of cancellation fee refunds, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • No Show Fees: Total amount of no-show fees, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • No Show Fees Refunds: Total amount of no-show fee refunds, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Service Charge: Total amount of service fees collected from Service Charges that were configured as Employee Fee, House Fee, or Ticket Charge.
  • Service Charge Refunds: Total amount of service fees refunded from Package Charges or Service Charges that were configured as Employee Fee, House Fee, or Ticket Charge.
  • Product Sales: Total amount of product sales, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Product Sales Refunds: Total amount of product refunds, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Charges: Total amount of fees collected from Package Charges. Package Charges are configured on package definitions.
  • Package Charge Refunds: Total amount of refunded Package Charges.
  • eGift Processing Fees and eGift Shipping Fees: Total amount of eGift processing and shipping fees, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • eGift Processing Fee Refunds and eGift Shipping Fee Refunds: Total amount of eGift processing or shipping fee refunds, minus tax, on all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Service Upgrade Fees: The total amount of upgrade fees, minus tax, collected across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Service Upgrade Fee Refunds: The total amount of upgrade fee refunds, minus tax issued across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Sales Total: (Service Sales + Product Sales + All Listed Fees ‒ Service Refunds ‒ Product Refunds ‒ All Listed Fee Refunds)
  • Service Tax Rates: Total amount of service tax collected on all drawers/each drawer in the report. This does not include tax that was refunded. All configured "service" tax rates appear here.
  • Product Tax Rates: Total amount of product tax collected on all drawers/each drawer in the report. This does not include tax that was refunded. All configured "product" tax rates appear here.
  • Sales Total w/ Tax: (Sales Total + All Service Tax Rates + All Product Tax Rates)

Click here for details on each of the Membership Sales Summary fields.Click here for details on each of the Membership Sales Summary fields.

  • Membership Income: For all drawers/each drawer in the report, this field adds up the difference between enrollment/recurring fees that are greater than the membership package prices. In other words, Meevo accounts for the package price as a liability when calculating membership income.  If a membership does not include a package, the enrollment/recurring fee is simply added to this field. This field does not include tax.
  • Membership Refunds: Total amount of membership income refunds, not including tax.
  • Membership Packages: Sum of the price of all packages that were sold to a client via a membership, minus tax. If a membership package price is greater than the enrollment or recurring fee on the membership, we subtract the difference from this value.
  • Membership Sales Total: (Membership Income + Membership Packages ‒ Membership Refunds)
  • Membership Tax Rates: Total amount of membership tax collected from each drawer/all drawers in the report. This does not include tax that was refunded. All configured "Membership" tax rates appear here.
  • Membership Sales Total w/ Tax: (Membership Sales Total + All Membership Tax Rates)

Click here for details on each of the Liability Summary and Liability Usage fields.Click here for details on each of the Liability Summary and Liability Usage fields.

Liability Usage

  • Liability Usage: For all drawers/each drawer included in the report, each liability type is displayed with the amount used.
  • Liability Total: For all drawers/each drawer included in the report, this is the total sum of each liability type.

Liability Summary

  • Account Payments: Total value of client charges across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Gift Card Sales: The total price of gift cards sold across all drawers in the report.
  • Gift Card Refunds: The total value of gift cards refunded across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Sales: The total price of packages that were sold across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Refunds: The total value of packages refunded across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Tips: The total amount of package tips (at time of purchase) across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Package Tips Refunded: The total amount of package tips that were refunded across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Liability Total: (Account Payments + Gift Card Sales + Packages Sales + Package Tips + Payment Plan Payments  ‒ Gift Card Refunds ‒ Package Refunds ‒ Package Tips Refunded)

Click here for details on the Tax Collected section.Click here for details on the Tax Collected section.  

The Tax Collected fields reflect how much tax was collected for each tax rate defined in Currency & Tax.

Click here for details on each of the Surcharges section.Click here for details on each of the Surcharges section.

This is the total amount of surcharges applied to transactions. Surcharges are available for MeevoPay Merchant Accounts only.

Click here for details on each of the Drawer Maintenance fields.Click here for details on each of the Drawer Maintenance fields.  

  • Opening Cash: Total amount of Opening Cash across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Cash Pay-In/Out: Total amount of cash pay-ins and pay outs across all drawers/each drawer in the report.
  • Check Pay-in: Total amount of pay-ins by check.
  • Tips Collected: Total amount of tips collected across all drawers/each drawer in the report. This includes Service Charges that are configured as Employee Tips and House Tips.
  • Payment Plan Payments: Amount of monthly Payment Plan payments that were made.
  • Payment Plan Reductions: Amount of refund of items purchased with Payment Plan; this was applied to lower the balance.
  • Payment Plan Payment Refunds: Accounts for any refunded Payment Plan payments.
  • Drawer Maintenance Total: (Cash Pay Ins ‒ Cash Pay Outs + Tips Collected)
  • Sub-Total (Tax Incl.): (Sales Total w/Tax + Membership Sale Total w/ Tax + Liability Total + Drawer Maintenance Total)
  • Account Adjustment: Displays any money that was either:
    • Placed on the account during the date range and then used (spent) during the date range. For example, if client B added $200 credit to their account and then charged $150 to the account (all within the date range), the Account Adjustment would be $150.
    • Charged to the account during the date range and then paid off during the date range. For example, if client A charged $100 to their account then paid it back (all within the date range), the Account Adjustment would be $100.
  • GC/Package Adjustment: Total of all gift cards/packages that were purchased and redeemed with the time range across all drawers/each drawer in the report. These fields prevent double-income.
  • Payment Total (Tax Incl.): (Sub-Total Tax Incl. ‒ GC Adjustment ‒ Package Adjustment)

Setting up the MR080 report

  1. Type MR080 in the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Reports > Register/Sales, and then select the MR080 report.
  2. Select a date or date range for running the report:
    1. To run a report for a specific date range, select Custom and specify the Start Date and End Date for the report.
    2. Otherwise, select a predefined date or range (Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc.).

Note: If you select a predefined range (a date other than Custom), you can still change the Start Date and End Date. Doing so automatically changes the date range to Custom.

  1. Start Time and End Time: Specify the time range that Meevo should look at for sales. Select Full Day to quickly set the times to a full day.
  2. Open/Close History: Select to display a pop-up window of all drawers' opening and closing statistics for the selected date range. In that window, select a row and OK to set the report parameters to capture that specific action.
  3. Display Detail for Drawers Selected: If selected, the report displays a summary cover page, and each selected drawer's data appears on separate detailed pages.
  4. All Drawers: Select All Drawers to run the report for all register drawers. To run the report for specific drawers, deselect the option and select the drawers you want to run.

Running the report

  1. When you are ready to generate the report, select a Report Format beside the Run Report button.
  2. Here is a rundown of each format type:
    1. PDF: Each time you select Run Report with PDF selected, Meevo opens a separate browser tab that displays the PDF'ed report. Meevo remains on the setup page, so you can quickly jump back over to Meevo to run more date ranges or other reports. Each PDF report you run will open its own browser tab, so you can easily review and compare reports by simply jumping between browser tabs.
    2. HTML: This is our original legacy format, which opens the report within Meevo. All of the functionality within that report is still there and available via the toolbar.
    3. XLSX: Each time you select Run Report, your browser auto-downloads the report in .xlsx format. Select the downloaded file in the browser footer to open the spreadsheet.
  3. Select Run Report to generate the report in your chosen format. Depending on the type of report and criteria you entered, this process may take a few minutes.