Setting Up Booking Preferences
What are Booking Preferences?
The Booking Preferences tab is where you define the frequency at which a client should be booked for services. This value can be an overall FOV or a service-specific FOV for that client only. In Service specific settings, you can set up and manage Intelli-Booking settings as well.
Some additional details on Frequency of Visit in Meevo:
- When FOVs are set up, the Meevo Appointment Book will display a warning if you attempt to book a client within the configured FOV. The warning is informative; you'll be able to clear the warning and book anyway.
- In Online Booking Settings, the option Prevent client(s) from booking a Service if booking date is earlier than configured FOV ensures that clients cannot book a service too soon within their Frequency of Visit (FOV) timeframe. When enabled, it prevents clients from scheduling an appointment if the selected date is less than half of their FOV period. For example, if a client has a 4-week FOV for a service, they won’t be able to book it again until at least 2 weeks after their last appointment.
- FOVs also impact when the Due In For Service Reminder gets sent to a client.
- See this topic for details on rebook rules and order of priority regarding Frequency of Visit settings.
- See this topic for step-by-step guidance on rebooking a client.
To set the overall frequency of visit for a client
- Locate the client's profile and select the Booking Preferences tab.
- Overall frequency of visit ___ weeks: Assigns an overall FOV to the client, regardless of the service.
To set up client-specific service FOVs and timings (Intelli-Booking)
- Locate the client's profile and select the Booking Preferences tab.
- Select service to configure: Select a service and set the service-specific FOV for this client. You can also set up service-specific timings for when this client is booked with a specific employee. For more details on this feature, see Using Intelli-Booking.
- To remove a service once it's been added, set the FOV to 0 and save. The service will be removed from the list.
- When finished, select Save.