Reviewing MyMeevo Time Off and Schedule Change Requests

To view time off and schedule requests in Meevo, go to Management Time Off Requests or type pto into the Convobar.

Important details about reviewing requests:

  • Managers can see all employee-submitted schedule change requests and time off requests consolidated on the Management > Time Off Requests screen. This centralized location simplifies the review process for managers, eliminating the need to track requests through spreadsheets or other less efficient methods.
  • If a request is approved, the employee's schedule will need to be manually adjusted in Meevo by a Manager or Supervisor. Updates to employee schedules are not made automatically by Meevo or MyMeevo.
  • Managers should review the list of requests daily, at the end of each day, to make sure none are missed. 


Filtering requests

The Time Off/Schedule Change Requests page displays all Pending or Withdrawn requests by default. You can change this and apply other filters through the Advanced Search modal. 

  1. Select Advanced Search from the blue header above the list.
  2. The Advanced Search modal has several options for filtering:
    1. Status: Filters the list by the request's most recent status.
    2. Type: Filters the list by the type of request: AllPaid Time OffSickUnpaid Time Off, and Schedule Change Request.
    3. Employee: Filters the list to requests made by the selected employee.
    4. Filter time off request by: This drop-down requires you to enter a start and end date in the fields below it. Filter the list based on Date/Time Submitted or When the request is (or was) to occur.

Approving or rejecting requests

  1. Select a request's row in the list to view its details.
  2. On the request's details page, select Edit.

Note: Any request can be edited at any time except for Withdrawn requests, which cannot be edited at all. 

  1. Select the current status of the request.
  2. Select a new status from the drop-down.
  3. Select Save to finish updating the request. If the MyMeevo "change request" notification is enabled, the employee will receive a notification that the request has been updated.