MI210: Inventory Value

The MI210 report displays the value of selected inventory as of the end of the selected day. Inventory value is determined by looking at the wholesale value of an item at the time it was received, counted, sold, etc. Changing the wholesale value of a product after its inventory value has been accounted for does not change your overall inventory value.

How does Meevo calculate Inventory Value?

See our Inventory Value topic for details on the various ways Meevo assigns values to products that were added to or removed from your inventory.

When is inventory value calculated?

Many changes can occur to your inventory throughout the course of a business day. Sales, refunds, inventory counts, purchase order receivables, employee supply usage, and many other factors can affect inventory value, sometimes changing it minute-by-minute. To account for this, and to provide you with a useful and accurate metric, Meevo calculates your inventory value every night. This way, you will always know an accurate inventory value as of the end of each day. This is why you cannot run the MI210 for today's date; today's inventory value will not be calculated until tonight. To find out what your inventory value is at the end of today, you'll run the MI210 tomorrow and select today's date.

Where can I see my inventory value?

To view details regarding your inventory value:

Are Product Bundles included in this report?

Product Bundles do not appear as their own line items in the report. Instead, the products that make up bundles are counted and their inventory value is reported on. As a result, a product's on-hand amount in Stock Levels may not always match the on-hand amount displayed in the MI210. For example, the Stock Levels screen may tell you that you have 3 of a particular product on-hand. However, if we assume that 2 of this product are already in an assembled Product Bundle, then the MI210 on-hand amount for that product will read 5 (3 on the shelf + 2 in Product Bundles). Note that the accompanying Inventory Values also account for the contents of Product Bundles.

Report definitions

Click here for details on each of the fields that appear in the MI210 report.Click here for details on each of the fields that appear in the MI210 report.

Total Inventory Value Ending on X: The Wholesale and Retail values of retail and shop supply inventory items in the report as of end of day on the specified date.

Summary Mode

  • Total Wholesale Value: Total wholesale value of the displayed items. See Calculating Inventory Value for details on how individual wholesale values are made.
  • Total Retail Value: Total retail value (based on Retail in the Product definition) of the displayed items.

Detail Mode

  • Ending On Hand Amount: The ending on-hand amount for each inventory item in the report.
  • Total Wholesale Value: The total wholesale value of each inventory item. See Calculating Inventory Value for details on how individual wholesale values are made.
  • Total Retail Value: Total value of all retail items in the report.

Setting up the MI210 report

  1. Type MI210 in the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Reports > Inventory, and then select the MI210 report.
  2. Display Ending Inventory Value as of:  Inventory values at of the end of the day selected here will be displayed in the report.
  3. Select the mode:
    1. Detail: Displays every inventory item, the inventory count for that item, and total value.
    2. Summary: Displays totals for Retail, Shop Supply, and Other, not listing individual inventory items.
  4. Which inventory items would you like to display? Select to display Retail items, Shop Supply items or both.
  5. Sort report by: Choose to sort the report by Product Category or Manufacturer.
  6. All Product Categories or All Manufacturers: Select which categories or manufacturers to include in the report. Deselect the All option to reveal a list where you can select individual items.

Running the report

  1. When you are ready to generate the report, select a Report Format beside the Run Report button.
  2. Here is a rundown of each format type:
    1. PDF: Each time you select Run Report with PDF selected, Meevo opens a separate browser tab that displays the PDF'ed report. Meevo remains on the setup page, so you can quickly jump back over to Meevo to run more date ranges or other reports. Each PDF report you run will open its own browser tab, so you can easily review and compare reports by simply jumping between browser tabs.
    2. HTML: This is our original legacy format, which opens the report within Meevo. All of the functionality within that report is still there and available via the toolbar.
    3. XLSX: Each time you select Run Report, your browser auto-downloads the report in .xlsx format. Select the downloaded file in the browser footer to open the spreadsheet.
  3. Select Run Report to generate the report in your chosen format. Depending on the type of report and criteria you entered, this process may take a few minutes.