
To get to Manufacturers, type manufacturer into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Data > Manufacturers.

Why is manufacturer information important?

A manufacturer is a business that makes the goods that are being sold. Meevo provides you the ability to add a manufacturer's business information such as contact name, address, and email.

Manufacturer is a required field in the Product maintenance form. Meevo uses that information when you are creating POs. Within the PO screen, you can filter by Manufacturer to see all products that are made by that business.

What is the difference between a manufacturer and a distributor?

A distributor supplies goods to stores and other businesses who then sell to customers. Some businesses are both the manufacturer and the distributor. In such cases, be sure to add the business in Meevo as a Distributor as well as a Manufacturer to ensure complete and accurate purchase orders (POs).

Adding a manufacturer

Tip: If creating several records that have similar details, select Copy to create a new record with fields identical to the one you just copied. This can save you a lot of time when creating data in Meevo. Note Central Office cannot copy items that are owned by a location.

  1. From the Manufacturers search form, select Add New.
  2. Enter a Display Name and Description for the manufacturer.
  3. Contact Information: The manufacturer's information can be included in purchase orders.
  4. When finished, select Save.

Business Types in Central Office

Business Type: Select one if you configured Business Types. This determines the locations that will have access to this item once it is available.

Reminder: Business Types are a way to categorize locations that offer vastly different services. For example, a Med Spa location would be set to a different Business Type than, say, a hair salon. In this way, Business Types ensure that unrelated data does not appear at a location (such as a Men's Haircut service appearing in a MedSpa's services list). For the vast majority of businesses, Business Types are not necessary.

Make available to locations: Makes this item available to all locations of the selected Business Type. There is no option to exclude this item from a location. Once the item is made available to all locations and saved, the Make available option will not reappear. The only way to remove the item from locations is to delete the record in Central Office. 

Note: If you select a Business Type and make an item available to locations, then after saving, you cannot change from one Business Type to another. However, if All Business Types is an available option for this item, you can at any time change from a single Business Type to All Business Types.

Adding a manufacturer note

You can create or view manufacturer notes from the Notes tab. Manufacturer notes are useful for storing details like contact information or addresses. Each manufacturer definition can have a maximum of one note. In multi-locations, Central Office can also add one note per form, and locations are able to see (but not edit or delete) that note.

Editing a manufacturer

Note: Some fields on the form may not be editable if the current location is not the item's Home Location. 

Note: Once an item is saved with a Business Type selected and the item is made available to locations, then the Business type cannot be changed to anything other than All Business Types.

  1. Locate and select the manufacturer.
  2. Select Edit, and make your changes.
  3. When finished, select Save.

Inactivating or reactivating a manufacturer

Mark an item "inactive" if you are setting up data and want to restrict its use until the item is completely set up or ready, or if you no longer require the item in any capacity but may want to reactivate it in the future.

When you inactivate a Manufacturer:

  • Product forms and purchase orders that already use this manufacturer remain unchanged.
  • It is no longer selectable from any forms or menus in Meevo.
  • It can still appear in Meevo reports.
  • It does not appear in Meevo search results unless Inactive is selected from the Advanced menu.
  • If you inactivated the item in Central Office, the item becomes inactive in associated locations as well.
  • Remember that only the owner (as determined by the Owned By field) of the item can inactivate or reactivate it.

To inactivate or reactivate a manufacturer:

  1. Locate and select the manufacturer.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select the switch to toggle it to Active or Inactive.
  4. Select Save.

Deleting or undeleting a manufacturer

Delete an item if it is no longer needed in any capacity, and you don't anticipate needing it in the future. Most deleted items can be undeleted, and the ones that can't display a warning before Meevo lets you fully delete.

When you delete a Manufacturer:

  • Product forms and purchase orders that already use this manufacturer remain unchanged.
  • It is no longer selectable from any Meevo forms or menus.
  • It does not appear in Meevo search results unless Deleted is selected from the Advanced menu.
  • It may still appear in Meevo reports depending on the report setup criteria.
  • If you deleted the item in Central Office, the item becomes deleted in associated locations as well.
  • Remember that only the owner (as determined by the Owned By field) of the item can delete or undelete it.

Note:To delete or undelete this item, the current location must be its Home Location.

To delete or undelete a manufacturer:

  1. Locate and select the manufacturer.
  2. Select Delete or Undelete.
    1. If deleting, a confirmation message appears. Select Yes to complete the deletion.
    2. If undeleting, the form becomes active after you select Undelete. Select Save to finish undeleting.