eGift Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Meevo's client-facing eGift website adheres to accessibility standards put forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design and complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.  

What are the requirements for using eGift?

  • Any business who wishes to use eGift must sign the eGift royalty fee agreement. Contact your Millennium Sales Rep for details.
  • All purchases in eGift require a credit card, so the location selected by CO to receive eGift funds must have Enable credit card processing selected in the Register section of Business Preferences.
  • The location receiving eGift funds must have an active Merchant Account. Clients will use the hosted page to pay for their purchases in eGift, but Enable Hosted Page does not need to be enabled on the Merchant Account for this to work.
  • Central Office and the location receiving eGift funds must have email notifications turned on for clients to receive eGift notifications.

How eGift works with Meevo

  • Gift Card and Package Recipients: Meevo links gift cards and packages purchased through eGift to the client profile according to the recipient's email address.
    • If a recipient's email already exists in Meevo, then the gift card/package automatically appears on the profile.
    • If the email does not match any client profiles, then Meevo creates a new one and links the gift card/package to that profile.
    • In the case of gift cards, if no email was entered during the eGift transaction, then the eGift card is linked to Anonymous (Other). This scenario can be avoided by enabling Do not allow for an anonymous recipient for gift card purchases.
    • Packages always require a recipient email address, as a package must be associated with a profile.
  • Client profiles: When a client is creating an eGift login account, they enter their name, email address, mailing address, and phone number(s). Meevo checks client profiles to see if the entered email address is already being used.
    • If it is not in use, Meevo creates the client profile using the information provided during eGift registration, and eGift purchases are linked to the new client profile.
    • If the email is already being used in a profile, eGift purchases are linked to the existing client profile. If the client profile exists but is inactivated or deleted, Meevo will automatically activate the profile.
  • Card on File: If a client is logged into eGift and that client has a card on file in their Meevo profile, then that client can use their card on file to complete the purchase. Clients cannot add or remove cards on file through eGift.
  • Purchase History: The purchase history is recorded in the History tab of the purchaser's profile if the purchaser was logged into eGift when the transaction was completed. You can require a login to complete a purchase by making sure Enable Continue as Guest option is NOT selected on the eGift > Main tab.

How does eGift work with Central Office and multiple locations?

In a multi-location business model, one eGift website is shared across all locations and Central Office (CO). Only CO can configure and enable eGift.CO decides how eGift funds are allocated after a purchase:

  • Choose a specific location that will receive all eGift funds. You'll also select a Merchant Account from the location that will be used to process all eGift transactions.
  • Or, if you are allowing clients to select the location that will process their eGift, you can send eGift funds to the location that the client selected, or to a specific location of your choosing.

Locations have access to:

  • The Main tab, where they can copy their location-specific eGift URL and specify location-specific Gift Card Settings.
  • The Services and Packages tabs, where they can choose to override CO defaults.
  • The Promo Options tab, where they can choose to override CO defaults and create their own promotions, if desired.
  • The Transactions tab, where they can view, process, and edit transactions, and resend notifications. The location receiving eGift funds will be able to view all transactions in the Transactions tab without searching for them. Other locations will be able to view transactions by specifically searching for them.

See Processing eGift (Email) Orders and Processing Mail and Pick Up Orders for more details on how to process orders.

How do I find the URL to my eGift website?

Type egift into the Convobar, or go to Management > eGift. At the top of the page, you'll find the eGift website URL for you to copy. You can copy that URL and paste it in a communication to a client, such as through Meevo Messenger.

The URL displayed in Central Office will bring the client to the eGift location selection page. However, if Require client to select location is enabled on the Central Office eGift Main tab, then locations will be able to copy their specific eGift URL from the location's eGift Main tab.

What can a client do through eGift?  

Using the eGift website, a client can:  

  • Purchase a gift card, custom package, or predefined package.
  • Check the balance of eGift cards or gift cards purchased at the business.
  • Use a card on file to make a purchase.
  • Opt into or out of appointment and marketing notifications.
  • Resend an eGift notification.
  • View their purchase history and print receipts.
  • Edit their client profile information like name, address, email address, and phone numbers.
  • Edit their email address, which will also update the email address in Meevo and Online Booking.
  • Jump to your Online Booking site via a link in the hamburger menu.

How do I offer services and packages through eGift?

In eGift, services and packages can be offered to clients in one of two ways. These options are available in eGift Main's tab under Gift Card Settings.

  1. Clients can purchase custom or predefined packages that get placed on the recipient's client profile. To offer packages this way, enable the option Allow purchase of specific services and/or packages.
    1. You can still provide a physical card or eGift card as a representation of the package. A card isn't required to redeem the package in Meevo, but you may still want to perform the "ceremony" of accepting the card during redemption.
    2. For the Mail and Pick Up delivery options, you should assign a package # that matches the physical gift card number if one is being provided.
    3. The eGift option Do not allow for an anonymous recipient for gift card purchases does not apply to packages, as a package must be associated with a client profile.
  2. Alternatively, clients can use the eGift Calculator to select services and packages whose value goes on the gift card. The card can be redeemed for any item, not just the selected service/package. To use this method, enable the option Enable eGift Calculator to calculate gift card amount.
    1. You'll provide physical cards or eGift cards depending on the selected delivery type. 
    2. Reminder: In Meevo, the card or card number isn't required for redemption as long as the card is associated with a client profile.
    3. Gift cards associated with Anonymous must be looked up in Meevo, so a client would need to present that gift card or gift card number for redemption.
  3. Don't forget to select which packages and services should appear in eGift!

How does a client check a gift card balance?

Clients can check the balance of any gift card that was purchased through eGift or at your business by selecting Check Gift Card Balance to the left of the login:

Clients enter a gift card number and the email associated with the gift card, and the window displays the card's activation date, balance remaining, and expiration date. 

How do Online Booking and eGift interact?

If your business uses both Online Booking and eGift, a client who registers for one will automatically be registered for the other using the same username and password. It is important for you to communicate this to the client. Otherwise, the client may run into issues if attempting to register with an email address that is already being used.

Also, it's important to note that if a client updates their profile information in Online Booking or eGift (such as a home address), the profile information is updated across all three platforms: Meevo, Online Booking, and eGift.

How do I know if a client selects Mail or Pickup as a delivery option?

In Alerts Manager, you can set up an alert to notify you or anyone at the business when a client selects a specific delivery method in eGift. The eGift delivery options available to a client are:

  • EGift (email; always available)
  • Mail (available if you enable it in the eGift Main tab of Meevo)
  • Pickup (available if you enable it in the eGift Main tab of Meevo)

eGift notification details

  • eGift delivery method: The purchaser receives a confirmation email immediately after purchase, and the recipient will receive the eGift in an email on the Activation Date. See Processing eGift (Email) Orders for additional information on this delivery method.
  • Mail delivery method: The purchaser receives a confirmation email immediately after purchase. See Processing Mail and Pick Up eGift Orders for additional information on this delivery method.
  • Pick Up delivery method: The purchaser receives a confirmation email immediately after purchase and receives a notification email 5 minutes after the order status is updated to Picked Up. See Processing Mail and Pick Up eGift Orders for additional information on this delivery method.