Scheduling a Location Transfer to a New Market

This topic explains how to move locations between markets. The steps below apply whether you've just created a new market and need to define its locations, or you wish to refine the locations within existing markets.

Note: Central Office cannot be removed from the default (base) market.

  1. Locate and select the market.
  2. Select the Locations tab. The screen lists all locations currently in that market, if any. You can use the drop-down to filter the location list by Location Group.
  3. Select Schedule Location Transfer. The location transfer page appears.

  4. Set the Active On date; the location transfer will occur at 1 am EST of the day you select here. If you select today's date, the location transfer will occur overnight tonight and be reflected in Market Pricing tomorrow.
  5. Location Group or Price Group: The selection here determines what appears in the Filter available location list by drop-down. Location Group lists the Location Groups, while Price Group lists all existing markets.
  6. All locations and their current markets appear in the table. Use the Filter available location list by drop-down to narrow down the location list, if necessary.
  7. Select Edit and then select the locations you wish to transfer from the Select column.
  8. Select Add selected locations to transfer list below. The locations appear in a table below, again displaying their current markets. Remember, after you save, the locations listed here will be transferred to the currently selected market on the configured Set active on date.
  9. Select Save.
  10. Next, configure membership grandfather settings to decide if clients with memberships should continue with their current membership prices and benefits or inherit the prices from the new market.