On-Hold and Cancel/No-Show Transactions

What happens when I place a transaction on-hold?

Placing a transaction on-hold removes the transaction from the register and places the Smart Receipt and its details in an "on-hold" list. Any transaction can be placed on-hold as long as at least one client and at least one purchasable item are on the Smart Receipt.

Note: A given client can only have one active on-hold transaction at a time. A client's on-hold transaction is automatically updated with any service additions or changes that are made in the Appointment Book.

More about on-hold transactions:

  • An on-hold transaction will remain on-hold indefinitely, unless:
    • The transaction is completed or "no-saled."
    • Associated appointments (if any) are removed from the book.
    • Meevo archives the on-hold transaction immediately prior to a Meevo update (known as an Archived On-Hold transaction).
  • Credit card payment information is not saved in an on-hold transaction, but any entered tip amounts and allocations are saved.
  • As long as the register drawer isn't set to Private, an on-hold transaction can be resumed and completed from any register at that location.

What is an Archived On-Hold transaction?

Shortly before a release, Meevo will archive any On-Hold transactions that were not finalized since the last release. These archived transactions are known as "Archived On-Hold transactions."

Archived On-Hold transactions cannot be returned in the Meevo register, but you can instead print a Hold Receipt of this Archived On-Hold transaction in Transaction Editor and then rebuild the transaction from scratch in the Meevo register.

What is a Cancel or No-Show Transaction?

A canceled or no-show appointment that requires the client to pay a fee is placed in the Cancel/No-Show queue (if the fee was not immediately processed at the time of cancellation or no-show). After a transaction is placed in the queue, it remains there for 7 days or until the transaction is completed.

To place a transaction on hold

  1. Select On Hold. The Smart Receipt clears and the register resets.
  2. If the Business Preferences "hold receipt" option is enabled, a prompt appears asking if you'd like to print a "Hold" receipt. Select Yes or No; in either case the transaction is immediately placed on hold.
  3. See To return an on-hold transaction for details on completing the transaction.

To return an on-hold transaction

Placing a transaction on hold removes the transaction from the register and places the transaction in an "on hold" queue, where it can be resumed when you are ready.

Note: Credit card transactions that were interrupted and never completed appear in this queue as well.

  1. Open the register via the Register tile or Convobar command, and select Return Transaction.

Note: Alternatively, you can return an on-hold transaction by checking out an on-hold client's appointment in Appointment Book or via Client Quick Find, locating the On-Hold transaction via Transaction Editor, or simply adding the client to the register. 

  1. Filter the list using the Search for a paying client field.
  2. Select the transaction(s). You are brought back to the register main screen with the Smart Receipt filled out.
  3. Once the transaction is back in the register, you can edit the Smart Receipt or add a tip to the transaction.
  4. Finalize the sale.

To finalize a Cancel/No-Show transaction

Note: You can manually apply discounts to Cancellation and No Show fees via the Automatic Discounts pane.

Canceled and no-show appointments are placed in the Cancel/No-Show queue. After it is placed in the queue, it remains there for 7 days or until the transaction is completed.

  1. Locate the fee transaction using any of these methods:
  • Open the register via the Register tile or Convobar command, select Cancel/No-Show, and select the transaction. With your desired transactions chosen, select Check Out.

  • Check out the client's appointment in Appointment Book or via Client Quick Find, or simply add the client to the register. A prompt indicates that client already has a transaction in progress, and the queued transaction will be automatically returned.

Note: If a client has a fee in the queue, adding the client to the Smart Receipt will display a prompt indicating that client already has a transaction in progress, and the "fee" transaction will be automatically returned.

  1. Use the filters and options at the top of the form to refine the list:
  • Start and End Date: Displays canceled or no-show appointments that were scheduled to begin within this date range. This is not the date that the appointment was canceled or no-showed.
  • No Show: Displays only no-show appointments.
  • Fee and No Fee: Displays canceled appointments whose cancellation reason includes a fee or whose cancellation reason does not include a fee.
  • Sort by...: Select a sorting method for the list (Client Name or Appointment Start Date).
  1. Select the transaction(s) with a cancellation/no-show fee. With your desired transactions chosen, select Check OutNo-Shows and Cancellations Reasons that do not have a fee can be removed from the list by selecting the trash can icon. If you remove a canceled appointment in this way, it can not be added back to the list, nor can the Cancellation Reason be changed. A No-Show appointment can be added back to the list if it is canceled or if the No-Show status is removed and then added back.
  2. Once the transaction is back in the register, you can edit the Smart Receipt or add a tip to the transaction.
  3. Finalize the sale.