Creating Register Discounts

To get to Discounts, type discount into the Convobar, or go to Meevo > Register > Discounts

What types of discounts can I create?

Special Price, Amount Off, Percent Off, and Buy One/Get One can be refined and configured to your liking. Depending on how you configure the discount, it can be automatically applied at the register, or it can be available to apply manually in the Smart Receipt.

What items can I discount?

You can discount service, products, packages, memberships, and gift cards. You can also manually apply discounts to Cancellation and No Show fees. 

To create a discount

  1. From the Discounts search form, select Add New.
  2. Display Name: Enter a name that will make this item easy to identify in lists or menus in Meevo.
  3. Available on and Expires on: Define the date range that the discount will be valid in the register.
  4. Barcode: If you associate a barcode with the discount, scanning the discounted item at the register will automatically apply the discounted price.

Note: Barcodes longer than 12 characters in length may not be readable by a barcode scanner.

  1. Select a Discount Type:

Amount Off and Percent OffAmount Off and Percent Off

  1. Discount Amount: Specify the price, amount to deduct, or percentage to deduct.
  2. Spread Discount (Amount Off only): If checked, the amount off is spread proportionally across each selected item in the register. To apply a Spread Discount "The Millennium Way" (that is, a total price for all selected items), see Applying a Manual Discount or Adding a Discount.
  3. Redeemable Towards: Determines what this discount can be used towards: All Products and Services, Service, Product, Package, Membership, Gift Card, Fees, or Rebooked Appointments.
  4. All or Specific: Refines the discount further by allowing you to define exactly which items are eligible. Your selection here may reveal additional fields for you to select or configure.
  5. If you selected Specific, use the drop-down to select the items that are eligible to receive the discount.

Special PriceSpecial Price

Note: The "Special Price" label that appears on receipts can be hidden via Business Preferences.

  1. Special Price: Specify the price after the discount is applied.
  2. This is the total price paid for selected items: To apply a Spread Discount "the Millennium way," enable this option to make the entered price the total for all of the selected items on the receipt. On the receipt, it will appear as a Special Price applied to each item (the sum of which is what the client paid).
  3. Redeemable Towards: Determines what this discount can be used towards: All Products and Services, Service, Product, Package, Membership, Gift Card, Fees, or Rebooked Appointments.
  4. All or Specific: Refines the discount further by allowing you to define exactly which items are eligible. Your selection here may reveal additional fields for you to select or configure.
  5. If you selected Specific, use the drop-down to select the items that are eligible to receive the discount.

Buy One/Get OneBuy One/Get One

  1. Based on client history: If selected, purchases that a client made in the past are eligible to be part of the Buy One/Get One discount. Use the date picker to determine how far back Meevo will look at the client's transactions for eligibility.
  2. Based on: Define an Amount the client has to spend, or Quantity of items the client must purchase.
  3. This discount can be applied when a product or service is redeemed from a package: This option appears when Based on is set to Quantity. If enabled, a client can redeem a service or product from a package and have that redemption count towards the "buy" item in a BOGO discount.
  4. Enter a Buy How Many quantity and select What this discount applies to.
  5. All or specific items: To select specific items that will be eligible for this discount, deselect the All option, and use the mover to select the "Buy" items that are a part of the discount.
  6. Enter a Get How Many quantity and select What this discount applies to.
  7. All or specific items: To select specific items that will be eligible for this discount, deselect the All option, and use the mover to select the "Get" items that are a part of the discount.
  8. Select Discount that the client will receive and, in the Discount Amount field, specify the price, amount to deduct, or percentage to deduct, respectively.
  1. Redeemable Towards: Your selection here determines which items are eligible for this discount. After selecting an item, choose if the discount should apply to all of those items, or a specific item.
  2. Configure the remaining options:
  • Discount only applies when item is performed/sold by the following employee(s): Discount applies only when the credited employee is someone that is listed here.
  • Discount only applies for clients with the following Client Type(s): Only clients who are assigned the selected Client Types can receive this discount.
  • This discount cannot be combined with other discounts: Disallows stacking or combining this discount with any other.
  • This discount applies to employees only: Limits discount availability to employees only.
  • This discount applies to non-membership clients: Clients who do not have an active membership can use this discount.
  • This discount applies to membership clients: Clients who do have an active membership can use this discount.
  • Automatically apply this discount at the register: If items on the register Smart Receipt match the criteria for a Discount, the discount is automatically applied to the items in the Smart Receipt.

Note: When "Based on Client History" is selected for a BOGO discount, this "Automatically apply" option is required to be enabled as well. Meevo will automatically select this option upon save if it wasn't already selected.

  • Employee receives full commission: When enabled, the employee will receive commission based on the price in the item's definition, not the discounted price in the register. If not enabled, the employee will receive commission based on the price sold in the register.
  • Limit discount usage: When selected, additional options appear that allow you to refine the number of times the discount can be used.
  • Must purchase ___ quantity in a single transaction to apply discount in register: Discount is not available at register unless the exact amount configured here is purchased by the client. This option is most often used with products and is not available if you selected the Buy One/Get One Discount Type.

To edit a discount

Note: Some fields on the form may not be editable if the current location is not the item's Home Location. 

  1. Locate and select the discount. .
  2. Select Edit, and make your changes.
  3. When finished, select Save.

To inactivate or reactivate a discount

Mark an item "inactive" if you are setting up data and want to restrict its use until the item is completely set up or ready, or if you no longer require the item in any capacity but may want to reactivate it in the future.

When you inactivate a discount:

  • It is removed from filters and is no longer available at the register.
  • It is no longer selectable from any forms or menus in Meevo.
  • It can still appear in Meevo reports.
  • It does not appear in Meevo search results unless Inactive is selected from the Advanced menu.
  • If you inactivated the item in Central Office, the item becomes inactive in associated locations as well.
  • Remember that only the owner (as determined by the Owned By field) of the item can inactivate or reactivate it.

Tip: If searching for inactive data, remember to select Inactive from the Advanced Search menu to search for inactive Discounts.

  1. Locate and select the discount. .
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Toggle the status switch to Inactive or Active.


  1. Select Save to update the status.

To delete or undelete a discount

Delete an item if it is no longer needed in any capacity, and you don't anticipate needing it in the future. Most deleted items can be undeleted, and the ones that can't display a warning before Meevo lets you fully delete.

When you delete a discount:

  • It is removed from filters and is no longer available at the register.
  • It is no longer selectable from any Meevo forms or menus.
  • It does not appear in Meevo search results unless Deleted is selected from the Advanced menu.
  • It may still appear in Meevo reports depending on the report setup criteria.
  • If you deleted the item in Central Office, the item becomes deleted in associated locations as well.
  • Remember that only the owner (as determined by the Owned By field) of the item can delete or undelete it.

Note:To delete or undelete this item, the current location must be its Home Location.

To delete a discount

  1. Locate and select the discount. .
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Select Yes on the confirmation message to delete the discount.

To undelete a discount

Tip: Remember to select Deleted from the Advanced Search menu to search for deleted items. Also remember that only the owner (as determined by the Owned By field) of the item can delete or undelete it.

  1. Locate and select the discount. .
  2. Select Undelete. The status switch reappears in place of the word Deleted. By default, the switch is set to Inactive.
  3. To reactivate, follow the instructions in To reactivate a discount above.