Setting Up Commission Overrides for Individual Employees

Be sure to review our Understanding Commission Overrides topic before you proceed with defining these overrides.

Employee-specific service commission override

You can define a flat rate or percentage commission that an employee earns for performing a particular service. For example, you may want an experienced service provider to receive a special commission rate for performing a difficult service.

  1. Locate and select the employee profile.
  2. Select the Commission Overrides tab.
  3. Use the filters at the top of the form to make searching for specific services easier. By default, the list displays all services, even those the employee cannot perform.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Below each desired service, enable the commission override and define a value. Remember, these settings are specific to this employee only.
  • Shop Cost, Labor Cost, First Time Purchase Deduction: These overrides are related to deductions; see Setting Up Deductions for details.
  • Commission Override: This determines the commission earned by this employee when this service is performed, overriding this employee's standard commission. Select $ or % to toggle between the two units, and enter a value.

  1. When finished, select Save.


Note: You can define employee-specific service commission from the Payroll tab of a service definition as well.

Employee-specific package, product, or membership commission override

From a package, product, or membership definition's Payroll tab, you can tailor the item's commission for a particular employee.