Setting Up a MeevoPay Merchant Account

After signing up for a MeevoPay account, you are ready to add your MeevoPay Merchant Account details in Meevo.

To add a MeevoPay Merchant Account

The information needed to set up your MeevoPay Merchant Account in Meevo was provided during signup. Be sure to have that information on-hand when following the steps below. 

  1. Go to Meevo > Register > Merchant Accounts, or type merchacct into the Convobar.
  2. From the Main tab, select MeevoPay as the Account Provider.
    MeevoPay Merch Acct Provider Setup
  3. Account Name: The Account Name is automatically populated based on what was entered in the Account Name field during the MeevoPay Application process.
  4. Virtual Account Id: This information is specific to your MeevoPay account and is provided by Millennium Systems International. If you need these details, reach out your MSI Client Success Representative.
  5. Store Id: This information is specific to your location and is provided by Millennium Systems International. If you need these details, reach out your MSI Client Success Representative.
  6. Default Account: Enable this option to make this Merchant Account the default account for all transactions that occur outside of the register, such as Online Booking.

Note: In the Memberships section of Business Preferences, you can select a Merchant Account specifically for memberships. That setting overrides the Merchant Account selected here, but only for memberships.

  1. HSA/FSA Account: Enable this checkbox to designate this Merchant Account for processing HSA/FSA cards. See MeevoPay: HSA/FSA Accounts for more details.
  2. Enable Hosted Page: If this option is enabled, you will be able to enter client credit card information into an embedded page within Meevo to execute a transaction or to add a client credit card on file. This is essentially a "virtual terminal," so Hosted Page will be a selectable option in most places that Meevo asks you to select a terminal (Drawer definition, client profile's Credit Card tab, the register, etc.). This option is useful in the event your credit card devices are down or if your business does not have any credit card devices at all.
  3. Hosted Page only available for use if there are no active devices currently available: When enabled, the only time Hosted Page will be an available terminal selection is if there are no active credit card terminals set up in Meevo.

Hosted Page

  1. Use for membership billing: Sets this Merchant Account as your default account for membership billing. This also updates the default membership account setting in Business Preferences > Membership Settings.
  2. Use for eGift transactions: Sets this Merchant Account as your default account for eGift transactions. This also updates the default eGift account setting in eGift > Main.
  3. Enable Tips: Allows clients to apply tips via the credit card device by selecting one of the pre-defined options you configure here, or by entering their own tip amount on the device. You can configure up to 5 tip options.
    Tip Amount Type
  • Percentage or Currency: Select the units for the tip amounts you will configure.
  • Tip Amount Options: Select the "plus" icon to add another tip option.
  • Tip Amount: Enter the amounts that clients can select.  
  1. When finished, select Save.
  2. Next, you are ready to connect and activate your credit card device.

MeevoPay credit card transaction workflow

A MeevoPay transaction follows the usual workflow that you and clients are accustomed to. This example covers a Single Card transaction.

  1. When you are ready to finalize a transaction, select the Credit/Debit Payment Type.
    Credit/Debit tile
  2. If tips are enabled, Meevo indicates A Tip Request has been sent to the Credit Card Device. Please direct the client to follow the prompts on the Device.
  3. The device displays tip options to the client.

    MeevoPay tip options
  4. The client is then prompted to insert or swipe their card on the device. 

    MeevoPay Present Card
  5. After inserting the card and processing, the device prompts the client for a signature. During this time, Meevo displays Credit/Debit - Pending Processing. The transaction is then finalized in Meevo once signature capture is complete.
    MeevoPay device sign below