MeevoPay HSA/FSA  Accounts

HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) and FSAs (Flexible Spending Accounts) allow a person to set aside money before it's been taxed to pay for health care costs. Often times that money is placed on an HSA/FSA payment card which can be swiped just like a credit card, though it has rules on what it can be used to pay for. 

If you're using MeevoPay, your business can accept HSA/FSA cards for purchases and EFTs as long as your business Merchant Category Code (MCC) is 8099 (Medical Services...). To be eligible, your business must actually offer approved HSA/FSA services. If you think your business might qualify to accept HSA/FSA cards, reach out to us at  

Dedicating a MeevoPay Merchant Account to HSA/FSA cards

If your business is required to process HSA/FSA cards using a separate Merchant Account, you can accomplish this with MeevoPay by following these steps:

  1. Enable the HSA/FSA Account checkbox on the Merchant Account definition to dedicate the account to processing HSA/FSA cards.  When this option is enabled, an additional HSA/FSA checkbox appears on the "adding or editing a card on file" screens. This is how you indicate that the card is an HSA/FSA card.
  2. When you enable the HSA/FSA checkbox for a card on the "adding or editing a card on file" screen, Meevo will automatically use your dedicated HSA/FSA Merchant Account to process HSA/FSA purchases and membership/Payment Plan EFTs when that card is used for payment. There is no need to manually switch drawers or Merchant Accounts; Meevo will automatically use the HSA/FSA-dedicated Merchant Account.

Note: For card present scenarios, we recommend creating a separate "HSA/FSA" drawer and assigning the HSA/FSA Merchant Account to that drawer. This way you can manually switch drawers and process the HSA/FSA card using your dedicated MeevoPay Merchant Account.

  1. Here are the areas in Meevo where the HSA/FSA checkbox appears:
    1. In the Register when adding a card during a membership sale.
      HSA checkbox in register
    2. In Membership Manager's CC/ACH tab when adding or editing a card.
      HSA checkbox in Membership Manager
    3. In the client profile's Credit Card tab when adding or editing a card.
      HSA checkbox in client CC tab
    4. In Payment Plan Manager's Credit Card tab when adding or editing a card.
      HSA checkbox in Payment Plans
  2. HSA/FSA cards are easily identifiable in the register by the label at the bottom of the Payment Type tile.
    HSA indicator on payment tile