Managing Data in Central Office

How is data handled between Central Office and a location?

Central Office is available to businesses with multiple locations; it is the main hub for defining business information, creating and maintaining data, and configuring settings. In most cases, options defined in Central Office are coped down to locations. Data created in Central Office can be "pushed" down to all locations or locations of a specific Business Type. Depending on the option or data item, a location may be able to modify settings or data forms without affecting the options in Central Office.

How does a newly onboarded location inherit data?

Newly onboarded locations will inherit all data items that are available to locations, and will also inherit the state of that item (active or inactive).

Is every location able to see and use every data item?

No. For a location to see and use a data item, the item must be the same Business Type as the location and Central Office must make it available to the location.

How do I make data items available to locations?

Data created in Central Office can remain in CO only, or it can be distributed to locations using the Make available to locations option in the maintenance form. If desired, you can exclude certain locations from accessing the data item. Note that some data items do not have the option to exclude locations.

Can Central Office exclude any location at any time?

If Central Office is the owner of the item and a location is not using that item, a CO user can exclude the location from accessing it. This can be done when the item is being created or after it's been created and already made available to locations.

However, if the location is using the item, then in most cases the location cannot be excluded from accessing it until the item is no longer being used there.

Who owns data items?

Generally speaking, a data item is owned by the location that created it. Central Office can take ownership of most  data items owned by a location at any time.

Are there data items that CO cannot take ownership of?

Yes. Certain data items have required associations with other data items. Think about a Service Category to Service relationship: Service Category is a required field in a Service definition. So if Central Office takes ownership of a location's Service Category and makes it unavailable to the location, then any service associated with that category at that location will be "orphaned"...that is, a service without a required category designation.

To prevent such a scenario, Meevo will not allow Central Office to take ownership of data items that are required fields in another item's maintenance form. Service Categories, Employee Categories, and Product Categories are examples of data items that CO cannot take ownership of.

If CO takes ownership of an item, what happens to the item at the original location?

If Central Office takes ownership of an item and that item is no longer accessible to the location (for example, if you exclude that location), then the item will appear to the location as Deleted in searches.

If the item remains accessible to the original location, then the location can access the item just as it did before CO took ownership. However, as is the case with most Central Office-owned data items, the location may be limited in terms of which data fields can be edited.

Can Central Office edit a data item that it does not own (that is, an item created at a location)?

Yes! Central Office can edit a location-owned data item in CO without taking ownership of the item.

Can a location edit a Central Office-owned data item?

For a location to edit a Central Office-owned item, that item must be available to the location, and the item must have "location-editable" fields. If a location makes changes to a CO-owned item's fields, those changes become specific to the location in what are known as "overrides." The item's original settings do not change in Central Office or in any other location that has access to the item.

Another way to make changes to a CO-owned item is for Central Office to edit a CO-owned data item on behalf of a location and make changes.